31 January 2014

Nisekoi : Two of a Kind

Episode 3

Surely life must get better for Raku and Onodera? And Kirisaki surely will calm down at some point? Right? Right?


IT seems that date day is still getting to Raku.

So yes everyone knows about their relationship. It is pretty funny. It isn't even Onodera that told everyone he just so happened to be seen by two other class mates.

Their show of a relationship is one of the most refreshingly funny things I've ever seen! Full with honey's and darlings and hugging and confetti! They end up like class celebrities just by being a couple. It really is funny.

Claude is awesome, I now know Claude's name. I love him. Four eyes.

So a big part of this episode is finding out that Kirisaki is pretty much friendless, she hasn't really made any friends yet. The girls in her class think she's looking down on them but she's actually trying she just doesn't know how to make friends. It is a good bonding moment for the two of them as they finally find an equal footing.

It has changed things quite a bit for them I'd say. It is a real moment for Kirisaki because to the audience she's came across as being cold on purpose but now its understandable how she's been acting. It is also a easy way to believably make the two of them closer. Their personalities are too similar for them to just fall in love, they argue too much, but having a goal in common should warm them to each other.

As for Onodera it is a bit weird that she is now basically stalking them both. She's a lovely character but I don't get the stalking. It is a bit over the top.

It isn't too hard believing that Claude would be like he is, to be honest I pretty much guessed that was his story all along to begin with, he's a very clichéd character but I love his stalker abilities, they amuse me no end. I can see him being the "bad" guy of the piece, not that its going to be a terrible bad guy. He seems to care a lot about Kirisaki which is a good thing, maybe he'll have a moment later on when he learns to chill the hell out?

It must be hard for him though, if he's looking after her, knowing the dangers being the daughter of a gangster can be. I understand why he's being careful with her.

I like that we now know a little more about Kirisaki, she's not so brash when you get down to it. I can relate to the not making friends easily, different reasons but the same kind of feeling. Making notes on everything around you is a great idea, one that I do partake in.

It just gives you a little more about her, you can tell she isn't this really terrible person deep down, she clashes with Raku sure but they are two of the same kind of person, very stubborn and very emotional. It is nice to see that she isn't that way though, there is a person underneath that wants to be let out.

It'll be interesting seeing if we see her making friends or not.

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