23 September 2012

Doctor Who : The Power of Three

Mystical cubes have fallen overnight onto the Earth so the Doctor moves in with the Ponds to investigate.

The return or UNIT and Brian!

How long has it been since a proper invasion of Earth story?

*SPOILER WARNING* For those who are still yet to see it obviously don't look any further!

Doctor Who : A Town Called Mercy

A cyborg threatens the remote village of Mercy. A western sci-fi.

What could go wrong?

*SPOILER WARNING* For those who are still yet to see it obviously don't look any further!
Photo taken by me. Frogmore Field, Plymouth 20.9.12

Doctor Who : Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

The second story of the season introduced us to an important member of the Pond family. Rory's dad Brian!

It also involved a posse and dinosaurs... On a SPACESHIP!

*SPOILER WARNING* For those who are still yet to see it obviously don't look any further!

22 September 2012

Fed up and under appreciated

There are just some weeks that drain everything from you.

I have just had one of those weeks.

In fact one of those fortnights!

My assistant manager is a total idiot, he's basically spent the last two weeks trying to bully everyone around. That I can deal with, he's a prick, he wants to be the big man and because he's the new guy (and shit at his job) he takes it out on everyone else. Whatever, get over yourself.

But you'd think seeing as I'm basically spending the days being told how worthless and stupid I am my boyfriend of all people will be trying to build my confidence up?

21 September 2012

Doctor Who : Asylum of the Daleks

(I know I'm behind but I've decided to write the reviews for the first three episodes anyway on here!)

So for the opening episode of Series 7 Steven Moffat has decided to write for the Daleks for the first time.

I have to say that the hype for this episode was through the roof! Everyone who had seen it told us how wonderful it was and even though the big spoiler technically was given away I have to say it was pretty damn great!

*SPOILER WARNING* For those who are still yet to see it obviously don't look any further!

Got a new expensive camera and it takes some wonderful photos!