23 September 2012

Doctor Who : Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

The second story of the season introduced us to an important member of the Pond family. Rory's dad Brian!

It also involved a posse and dinosaurs... On a SPACESHIP!

*SPOILER WARNING* For those who are still yet to see it obviously don't look any further!

I quite enjoyed the episode, it was a fun little adventure with some nice new friends.

The best character introduced in the episode was Brian Williams, Rory's dad and probably the sweetest character ever to be thought up! He is played by Mark Williams the brilliant actor who has starred in some of my favorite things (Fast Show, Red Dwarf, The Borrowers and Harry Potter!)

He was just hapless and adorable!

The story basically was the Doctor taking the Ponds (avec a confused Brian) Queen Nefertiti and Riddell (a big game hunter) on an adventure.

They end up on a ship inhabited by dinosaurs!

For the whole "blockbuster movie in 45 minutes" idea it was sweet and simple.

The bad guy was really evil, Solomon (played by Cohen the Barbarian!) was a masterpiece of a character. Without actually doing much on screen he managed to portray just how vile a character he was.

His two servant robots (voiced by Mitchell and Webb) brought plenty of light in a very dark episode.

One thing I loved about this episode was that it split the Doctor and Amy up, the Doctor, Brian and Rory all went one way and Amy was left with her own companions showing us all just how much she's learnt from the Doctor and how strong and intelligent she can be on her own.

The big character moment was for the Doctor who was slowly pushed past his limits by Solomon, ending up with the Doctor sending Solomon in his space craft to his death (to be fair this was after giving him plenty of time to leave even after he killed an innocent dino.)

The story itself was a little bumpy in places and I found it hard to concentrate on what was being said, the guest stars were all brilliant and wonderful for one episode only characters, though Brian really was the most wonderful part of the whole thing.

It was fun, it was quirky and it made you think about things.

I did love that it was quite a dark episode, the bad guy was just a very evil man who didn't care what he had to do to get the maximum profit. The funny bits weren't overly hammy or awful, some being actually quite sweet. The ending made you think about whether or not you could agree with the Doctors actions.

I loved it but I'm not sure that it could be something I'd watch over and over again.

Out of 10 once more I'd give it a 6, maybe a 6.5.

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