18 November 2012

Sword Art Online

OK so I am just about up to date with Sword Art Online (SAO) I just need to watch the new episode that should be online by now.

If you want my views on the series read on!


The customer is always right?

It really gets on my nerves when people say that. Especially when they are saying it and there is no way what they say will ever be "right" as it is against what our shop does!

5 November 2012

Magi (anime)

Ok so I have seen the first episode of an anime called Magi. It is about a kid called Aladdin and a slightly older guy called Alibaba.

I am in two minds about this one.

In the pros :
It is quite sweet
It is well drawn
Very funny
Seems to have a good story

In the cons :
I know this possibly is a running theme in anime full stop but the boob gags did my head in a bit and as most people who know me knows I can really be put off something because in my mind it's semi-perverted!

I'm gonna catch up on the other 3 episodes tomorrow then make my mind up. Next up is Art Sword Online!

4 November 2012

Taken by me sometime in September

DWM 451 : Battle of wits Should Companions Die?

Alright so I'm late with this but I thought I'd do it now whilst watching some anime.

In DWM 451 they were discussing whether or not a companion should die. Johnny was against death with the tag line "The companion in Doctor Who is in danger of far more horrific threats then just mere death" whilst Toby was for death with the tag line "Adric went from waddling, one-note irritant to misunderstood, tragic her in one fell swoop."

My thoughts....

Fairy Tail Overview

So I have caught up with Fairy Tail. It isn't over by far! But I'll be watching the adventures every week like everyone else.

So now that I am up to date I thought I'd give a general over view of the anime (I am only like book 60 in the manga.)