17 December 2013

Outbreak Company : You are an Invader

Episode 3

Now Kanou has survived he has to teach Patrarca how to read Japanese so that she can read manga.

This could either work out really, really well or else he'll have his head chopped off!


So he's been there a month and had a power plant and a school built. He wants people to be able to attend the school regardless of status which is sweet though I'm not really sure why we need the power plant?

It seems that the girls have been working hard at learning Japanese and then stupid jokes pop up again. Really with the breast talk and the joke about him impregnating his servant?

So before the school opens he privately teaches about 20 noble students. Sad as he wanted to teach everyone not just nobles!

Minori is the word of wisdom, his school is going to undermine everything the country believes.

Later that night and Miusel shows how much she's actually learnt speaking Japanese, in fact she's really good! She wants to go with Kanou to his realm.

We then skip 20 days into the future with the opening of the school, all the poorer students see the nobels and don't know whether they can really go or not. He really doesn't get the social structure always praising Miusel above Patrarca. But whilst she's having a moment the Patriotic knights attack. They have bbasically their type of a bomb.

They don't like the school and think they are the master race. Just as it looks like he is finally going to get his head lopped off Patrarca points out he's just a gopher for Japan and killing him would just make him a martyr to Japan. And more breast jokes which aren't funny. For people who believe in the rightful order of people and all that they are attempting to kill the Supreme Ruler... Doesn't sound patriotic or anything really does it?

His plan only works because Minori is smart, but it is funny seeing them all panic because of his alarm on his phone. Oh the giggles! Then Miusel uses some cool magic, and the leader off the gang opens up his fire mafic thing. Which is defeated by a fire extinguisher.

His last attempt at doing anything is to throw a knife at Patrarca but Miusel steps in the way.

Now I kind of get the point of the knights of whatever but the way they went about it was wrong.

He has been told (Kanou that is) that he's tampering with their culture roots and they won't like it, well its only a small amount of time before people do complain. Next it'll be the noble's parents who don't want their kids in a school with half breeds, different breeds and poor people.

What I didn't get is how they can be patriotic and still try and kill the Supreme Ruler, she was the first one they grabbed. They also grabbed her when she was in the middle of spouting off belief's that they seem to hold themselves.

I guess this kind of thing is a sore subject the world over, multiculturalism and how far the normal people agree it should go. We aren't talking about people from Japan moving to Eldant and joining their culture, learning from it etc and vice a versa. Here we have Kanou from Japan moving to Eldant and within two months building a power plant and a school, a school which undermines everything that the people in the country believe in.

And because of their hierarchical system they are being told it'll happen because the top of the tree demands that it happen, she agrees with it and if you disagree with her, well good luck keeping your head.

So in a way it is really quite hypocritical and silly because he's trying to break the hierarchical system by making everyone equal but he can only do that by abusing the hierarchical system and getting the Supreme Ruler on side to make it so. If he had just came along and done it, or if he'd upset Patrarca so much (like he almost did) and lost her favour his plans wouldn't go ahead and he'd be either beheaded or sent back to Japan.

I know its a step forward because it'll teach Patrarca that she has to be fair and equal and not judge on race etc but she only actually started forward not because she believed in a fairer system but because she fancies him and didn't want him running off with a servant who she see's below her. Yes she has warmed to her mainly because she just saved her life but it is very much Kanou coming into their land (invading is the kind of word you'd expect the ENP (Eldant National Party.... Yes I made that up and I'm proud of myself for the political joke. Giggles all around) to use. Not quite true but a play on what he kind of is doing) and forcing his ideals on people.

His job is to introduce a new culture into the background of their own culture but he is kind of forcing that change instead of working on it.

I know he has to do something because the culture relies on being able to read and write but he's shaking their culture into being the "right" kind by forcing it that everyone should equally be taught, something I agree with totally, but which is obviously going to upset a lot of people in Eldant.

ENP... Ohhh I'm such a witty one!

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