17 December 2013

Outbreak Company : The Moe Help Desk

Episode 2

We were introduced to a magical realm just the other side of a crack in a mountain. Kano the main character has been sent to this magical world to sell them anime, manga and video games. Yes humans in all their glory!

First he needs to sort out the mess he made by insulting the Supreme Ruler!

Good first day on the job Kano!


Well his boss smooths it all over with the supreme ruler who finally calms down.

Yes watch your mouth Kano you nearly had your head chopped off! Not a good thing for your first day really. Maybe she isn't as annoying as she looked last episode.

The Supreme Ruler is called Petrarca Ann Eldant III. Lovely name. Her advisor is called Zakhar and Garius En Goldbal is the Supreme Rulers cousin and a knight.

Kano doesn't know when to stop! After Garius calls him a poison he calls Garius stupid. All this seems to entertain the Supreme Ruler so she gives him permission to stay. He is lucky to be alive insulting the two most powerful people here!

He has a hard job though, the government hasn't really got a plan and the rings only have a telepathic type link to another person wearing one so wearing a ring won't make the people be able to understand a CD or DVD meaning all he has to work on on the anime front is moving pictures (and manga pretty pictures and video games a mixture of both!) so he needs to come up with something.

He interrupts Miusel studying how to write Japanese, its cute! He then decides to help her stufy in their evenings.

So he started to get all his stuff and more moved over to Eldant and used Miusel and Bluk as test subjects, Miusel reading and it seems Bluk playing video games. His room is a sort of paradise I guess I'd love to live in a room like that!

Later on they get a visit from Petrarca and Zakhar. She can't read it so she demands that Kano (Kanou) read it out loud to her. Petrarca gets jealous that Miusel can read... And suddenly the translation of her name changed to Petrorca..... I wish they'd just settle on a spelling!

It is sad that Miusel and Bluk think they should be beaten. Poor peoples. He goes for a stroll in the village next day which depresses him as he finds out that most of the people are illiterate and that most of the kids are training to be soldiers because its the best way to get a job.

Petrarca is really mean to Miusel, it really isn't nice and Kanou gets really upset about it even though he knows it is just their way. He teaches her about equality and not to judge people, or at least attempts to. She doesn't really understand it but she asks him to teach her his language because she can't be bettered by a servant.

For some reason they seem to being spied on, or at least his guard is.

Apparently something vile was stirring but we'll have to wait and see what that is.

A much better episode, it doesn't need to play so heavily on the comedy it is actually quite an interesting anie in itself.

I enjoyed seeing Kanou get used to the world around him, it'll be interesting to see what he does because I feel he's going to have to teach the whole country how to read and speak Japanese which could be interesting. I mean first off he has to teach Petrarca but the moment he gets that done he will have to teach the rest of the world because none of them know how to read.

I like learning about Eldant and it is interesting because they have got a outdated culture to ours and it'll be interesting to see how Kanou changes this. He seems really upset that people can't read (though it wasn't that long ago that signs DID have to be pictures because no one can read, it might have been hundreds of years back but in retrospect not that long!) and that kids train to be soldiers and then they go home and work till they go to bed. It is a different world from what he's used to and he'll have to start making changes to their society himself if he wants his job to succeed. He understands that he can't really do much about it but to try and change it slowly and with kindness after all there might be things in their culture that are better then ours so why overhaul everything?

I also like how they've mirrored people judging him in his realm to the judgement Miusel gets purely for being half-elf though a girl refusing to date him because he's otuka and Patrarca being so vile to Miusel are kind of different in that Kanou was unfairly judged for being himself, Miusel couldn't even help being a half-elf it was the way she was born so it is even more unfair to hold a grudge on her because of that.

It is an interesting dynamic between so many really wonderful characters. They are all different and all really interesting to learn about. Patrarca isn't quite as annoying as she first seems but Miusel could become very annoying fast I think. I mean this is all a bit of a jump because I really don't know at this point but I feel Miusel could become a bit of a Manaka figure in my head whilst Patrarca might be a little annoying but seems to have a real spark of character within her that is more then just a stereotype for Kanou to drool over.

And I think that is why this episode worked because it didn't just have the humour coming from a otuka being thrown into his dream life with maids etc rubbing up against him the humour came this time around from the characters growing and being... Funny. I didn't like how they threw the humour into the first episode and looked like they were just making fun of otuka lifestyles, you were just laughing at the character not the situation, this episode was much more thoughtful and actually quite caring towards the characters.

Thing is it needs to hit that balance every episode else I'll lose interest. I love the fantasy, the drama building and the world in general but I don't find stupid jokes very endearing and with me being so far behind and having so much to catch up on it could easily lose its appeal!

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