17 December 2013

Coppelion : Sisters

Episode 8

So the 1st Division have managed to recruit Haruto's partners to their evil ways and Ibuki possibly won't make it to the hospital in time.

It is starting to get interesting!


Ozu Sisters, that is the name of the two standing in their way.

So not only do they throw a can of high level waste at the truck they then shoot out the tyres and make them crash.

We then find out that the Coppelion's are exact clones of other people the sisters (twins) are exact clones of a actress. One of them seems a bit brain dead but super strong, the other seems really smart. Maybe this has something to do with Ibara feeling nostalgic when looking over the city?

We find out that the actress that the twins are clones too turned out to be a serial killer... Yeah great cloning material there!

Not only that but one reason why they are even more psycho is that one of them overheard Haruto and their Vice Principal talking about how they were designed just to suddenly drop dead one day so they want to kill the humans and make their lives a living hell before they drop dead.

Which is understandable to a point.

Ohhh and the not super strong one was spliced with an eel so uses electric magic-y stuff.

The girls still haven't got Ibuki to the hospital in fact they are now back at base which isn't helping and the strong winds are making the whole area contaminated.

See this is the kind of story that gets people interested.

For all the non-information we've been given about Coppelion I think they should have maybe started telling us they were clones, not just engineered but actual full blown clones. It gives you a kind of understanding of who and what they are.

I don't think it has anything to do with the fact they now have a threat but a purpose, if their purpose had been to save people and they went out and did that then it would have been good but it kind of swayed about and didn't give you a reason to care about anyone. It tried to force your hand and it got boring.

They now have a purpose, we aren't getting meaningless plots that show that they have human feelings we are seeing them ACT human, we know they basically are enhanced humans and they are doing something important.

This I can get behind.

And I like that some of them were psychos. That made me laugh!

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