13 December 2013

Nagi no Asukara : Beyond Tomoebi

Episode 6

So it seems that Akari has her happy ever after, now will anyone else?


So they need swimming costumes, this doesn't make Hikari happy but then nothing ever seems to anyway.

So everyone wants to manhandle Chisaki. Strange people.

Turns out its quite difficult for them to swim, they are used to swimming under the water not on top of the water so its kind of a new thing for them. Hikari hurts himself and is sent with Manaka to the nurses office, Manaka asks if Chisaki can come with them but she turns her back on them to go swimming (serves Manaka right!) At the nurses office and Manaka tries to help him but just upsets him so he tells her to leave.

Turns out that Kaname has a admirer too! And no not just Sayu and Miuna!

Turns out a lot more people have decided to help with the Ojoshi-sama.

Why the hell does Manaka decide to bring Chisaki into everything to do with Hikari, she wonders why Chisaki is mad at her? She's right it isn't up to Manaka to decide what is right and wrong and she shouldn't have to apologise. Man I hate Manaka.

Why is Manaka their centre? I'm starting to get angry at any tiny thing to do with Manaka now!

So even as kids all Manaka did was cry and zone out into her little world.

Toembi is when the saltflakes fall underwater and the current changes and it looks like you can see three suns.

This episode really just highlighted how annoying I find Manaka.

I can't be the only person struggling to see anything special about her? She's annoying! Everyone seems to love her or praise her for reasons beyond my knowledge.

Chisaki is more intelligent, Kaname is more centred and Hikari is the leader, Manaka is the one they all drag along that acts 10 years young and like she doesn't understand anything at all about anything yet she's the important piece of the puzzle?

If you want to sell that point you need to make the character interesting and Manaka isn't that. She rubs me up the wrong way I can't get on with her at all. She cries, everyone constantly has to forgive her and even when she's told to do something different she then ends up being rude. She doesn't give a flying fig about Chisaki's feelings and she still doesn't! This whole "we'll see the three suns thing because I promised last time" was purely her way of making her friend who she'd upset by breaking a promise and belittling in front of people be friends with her again.

So she over hears her best friend telling someone she's in love with one of their other best friends, she then runs away from her like that is the worst thing she could have ever heard in her life. After that her friend BEGS her to forget about it and does she? No. She then makes her uncomfortable at every opportunity trying to "match make" her with Hikari. When Chisaki finally gets upset does she back off? No she feels sorry for HERSELF.

And through all this Chisaki beats herself up like SHE'S the bad guy?


Is that because intelligent people, people who actually don't "zone out" when their friends are talking to them, decent people who don't go out of their way to make their friends uncomfortable can never be in the right? They must always bow down to the bimbo?

It is the first time I've actively hoped that there is a big bust up between a group of friends in a anime (well less said about the last episode of Free! the better!) just because I'm now getting to my back teeth of people praising, worshipping and letting off Manaka purely because she's the "pretty" one.

GAH it makes me angry!

There is nothing to her! No personality at all! All the warmth and fun of the character from episode one and two have turned into a big wet sopping cry baby that gets her own way because all the boys fancy her and her friend is too self loathing to see past the pretty face of what is actually one of the most annoying characters ever written!

If you like Manaka NEVER read this blog again! It might not help your blood pressure because I feel like all these reviews will just spill out with hatred for that character because she is horrid. Totally disgusting.

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