10 December 2013

Gingitsune : How do I look?

Episode 6

So Satoru and Haru are staying and they seem a lot happier now.



So everyone knows that Satoru and Makoto live together which is embarrassing for her. And obviously Yumi is interested in him in her own way.

Haru isn't making much of an impression on Gin after he attempts to brush his tail, he also tells him that he should put more effort in talking to the other students. And just like that Funabashi and Yumi show up to give him a welcome party.

Ohhh does Funabashi fancy Makoto's daddy?

Haru is right when he says that Satoru has put up walls and changing is difficult for him, he needs to lighten up a little, Haru understands this and can see how upset Satoru really is when he comes back to his room. We learn that Satoru can't remember his own birthday (oh my God so sad!) and asks how he looks.

Then Yumi gets bored and decides to go "play" with Satoru.

At first it looks like it has just made him mad but he gives in to the girls and lets them get on with their questioning.

And by the end he's smiling! What a turn around, and everyone looks happy other then Haru who soon cheers up when he sees that Satoru looks really happy.

I like that, its nice to see that they didn't just forget Satoru's back story and have him friendly from the first moment. It is also nice to see the girls breaking the walls down in their own way and no one falling out.

It is easy to overplay these types of characters, of course they have to be "difficult" but make them too difficult and viewers won't hope they'll get better. Satoru has a understandably sad story BUT he made a step forward the episode before so he needed to stay that one step ahead. Sometimes shows don't do that, thankfully this one did and it worked a treat because you got to see him understanding what it means to be happy, not just become happy but understand why he's happy too.

It helps also that the main characters stayed as a group, it wasn't like the party then had everyone at school (again can happen) it stayed with the main characters who you already know and care about so you wanted them to help.


Plus its also a growing curve for Haru and it is nice to see Gin going easy on him during the episode instead of being mean, in fact Gin was very nice during the whole episode towards everyone which is a bit of a surprise. I do like how we get to see the difference in their wisdom, having to see Haru develop into a wise being will be fun.

It was nice that by the end of the episode it wasn't just like he'd warmed up he'd started to understand why he was warming up and he felt like part of this tiny little family that comes to the shrine, I hope they carry on developing it and don't just turn him into Mr Popular in the next episode.

The pacing of the series so far is great and it keeps you interested even though there isn't really a central story running through.

Its nice just to have a fun show to watch.

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