18 November 2013

The Doctors... In Order

So I am going to try and put each Doctor in some kind of order from least favorite to favorite and give decent reasons why I feel this way.

Some will probably be joint on a spot, mainly because I don't really dislike any Doctor... I dislike stories and whole eras but not the actual Doctor themselves.

So in some sort of order...

Paul McGann / David Tennant / Peter Davison / Sylvester McCoy
A four way tie for last place! I really couldn't choose one or the other that I "disliked" most. I say "disliked" because there isn't really a word for it... Liked least of all?

Anyway all four of these aren't here because they are terrible, Paul McGann is great in the small amount of Big Finish I've heard but I am sorry that TV Movie was terrible and he was only in that so not liking the TV movie isn't going to help him on my list! I'd love to see Paul in a mini-adventure or two though, the perfect Doctor to bring back in the next 10 years I'd think!

David Tennant... More to do with the stories, his relationship with Rose made my stomach churn and sometimes the way he was wrote just didn't feel right for me. Looking back on his era I don't mind it much now that I know the Moff era follows on but at the time it felt like the world was ending. Thankfully I did re-watch all of his era and he jumped from being last to joint last.

Peter Davison's era sends me to sleep! I can hardly watch Earthshock, I definitely can't do it in one sitting that is for sure! I always miss Adrics death and that is meant to be one of the classic episodes of his run! I actually don't have many good memories of Davison's Doctor either though which is a shame, nothing he did ever made me really like him. He's saved being last on his own because whilst saying that I quite liked his relationship with his TARDIS team even if he was a bit mean to Adric.

McCoy.... I am not going to bash the man, I haven't seen much of his era to be fair. I don't like Ace and watching it reminds me of kids TV when I was a kid and I hated it back then and I hate it now. McCoy's Doctor actually interests me but I haven't seen much of it and I don't think the stories themselves or the fact he's with a Companion I can't stand will help much.

Tom Baker / William Hartnell
It might seem weird to some that the much loved Tom Baker isn't higher for me.

At one point in my life he would've been to be totally fair. Now... He isn't. As I've grown up I think I've grown used to Tom Baker episodes, the majority of repeats I ever saw as a kid was Tom Baker and I think I find mystery and fun in a lot of the other Doctors over Tom Baker. Him and Hartnell hold a special place in my heart as all the Doctors do but I can't say that either of them really excite me.

They'd never be my first thought when choosing an episode to watch, but they are definitely two of the biggest Doctors there is (followed closely by Eccleston) in that one of them was the original and the other the longest running and most fondly remembered.

Christopher Eccleston
Who couldn't love our Northern Doctor?

To be honest I was a fan of Eccleston a long, LONG time before Doctor Who came around. The big problem for me with his series was purely that I didn't like the stories much. Eccleston himself was the one piece of his series that I enjoyed greatly.

The one thing I would have loved would purely to have see more of him. I feel there was so much about his incarnation that we could have learnt but we didn't get the chance to learn it or really get to know him properly.

But, he was still a great Doctor.

Matt Smith / Jon Pertwee
Matt and Jon.

Well the only reason I watch Who at the minute is because of Matt Smith, I have enjoyed his character so much that he's made me excited for "Nu-Who" or current Who, whatever you may call it.

With Matt I love how he can portray a older man in a young man's body, not just through what he says or wears but because you can see the depth of emotion in his eyes. At times I felt that David Tennant went too far with his emotional reactions, Matt has understated emotions down to a T. I know some people don't like the eccentric personality but for me that is half the fun.

Really I couldn't say a higher word of praise for what he has done with his incarnation, and coming after such a popular Doctor it was a hard job to take!

Pertwee is difficult to dislike. He was the Austin Powers of the Doctors, eccentric in his own way but very much the Victorian gentleman/inventor type.

The thing I love about his era is how you really get a sense of family in the cast, being trapped on Earth with UNIT the Doctor had to belong to this group and Jon did a perfect job of it Not only that I think his relationship with Jo was one of the sweetest things Doctor Who has ever produced!

Both of these could easily have shared top spot, wonderful Doctors the both of them.

Colin Baker / Patrick Troughton
So at number one we have yet another tie.

And of course it is Colin and Pat!

Starting with Pat, I love the comedy. I'll admit that from the start. The amount of light hearted jokes that don't even have to be worded, just a change of expression for two seconds, or a blink and you miss it moment that if you paid attention you'd get the joke kind of thing. He had such great timing with everything and his relationship with Jamie is always something I've wanted repeated.

Going onto Colin....

I might be one of the only people in the world that put him at number one but I love him.

I loved the wise cracking, I enjoyed Trial of the Time Lord, I even adore the Coat.

For me Colin's Doctor was an interesting take on what had become quite a friendly person.... OK he could be rude and smug but he was not on Hartnells level of grumpiness and nastiness. Of course part of Hartnells story was kind of warming to his companions and all that so it made sense that other incarnations would keep that, but it is always interesting to think what if the Doctor just didn't care?

Not that I think Colin's Doctor was ever that bad, him and Peri ended up making quite a sweet partnership.

Six has become the Doctor I enjoy watching the most, he doesn't even have that many episodes but I do enjoy his best.

And there you have it my Doctor countdown.

Everyone has a difference of opinion on what works and what doesn't with Doctors, from being "too" eccentric to being smug or whatever.

Put them in any order you want though and one thing remains. They are all the Doctor and that is all that matters!

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