15 November 2013

Fairy Tail : The White Inheritance

Chapter 360

So Jackel has come upon Team Natsu.

Hopefully this won't end well for Jackel!


Wendy and Lucy decide to take the ex-counsellor away, but whilst they do Jackel blows up the WHOLE city!

What is this "White Inheritance" or "Faith" that he keeps going on about?

Anyway Natsu kicks butt as you know he will and seems to impress the ex-counsellor. Well how couldn't he?

Of course just like Temptest, Jackel has a curse. Anyone that touches him turns into a bomb.... And Natsu has pounded him down, ohhh dear.

And that looks to be Natsu down.

Wow these guys look wonderful! They are really quite scary and so far they don't seem to have a weakness. You might be able to pitch one or two people against them but then their curse will be the end of them.

In one way I hope that Natsu is down with the rest of Laxus's clan, I do believe that them three if allowed could defeat Tartaros in one along with Erza and Jellal. It would be interesting to have them all out of action and have other guilds and weaker members win. Unfortunately the name of the last chapter leads me to believe just possibly that Natsu might wake up and be alright to finish this fight, or at least not in the terrible state Laxus is but it is only a small hope.

What I do like is that they've kept the bad guys looking unbeatable, two of the strongest members have pretty much beaten the crap out of them and then been "cursed" by them. Interesting Guild, then what would you expect from Demons?

I'm now interested in knowing what "Faith" is? I'll just be interested in knowing what the hell is going on! It isn't like Jackel waited to ask any of the counsellors a question before blowing them up so why is he stopping to talk to the ex-counsellors? Is it something you only learn after leaving the counsel? Is it something only the counsellors from a certain time will know?

Adding to the mystery all the time!

What I also want to know now is what is Doranbolt doing? Surely he would have gone straight to the Guild he trust the most, which would be Fairy Tail? Or has he gone back to the Guards? And what about Oricon Seis? The members are all locked away and was part of the Balam Alliance. I guess the other dark Guilds were searched by Kyuoko to find people she can turn into Demons but as I said Oricon (even though classed as dissolved) are all locked away, would they help fight against former partners? I don't think Tartaros (or is it Tartarus?) are interested in allies any more, now that the fight is on they'd rather experiment on them then have them help. To be honest out of all the Dark Guilds we've met other then Tartarus, Oricon was the best so I'd like to see them all again and what they'd do!

I also feel with the focus on Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale recently in the title/front page that we might just be seeing them soon enough! I hope so.

This story is really starting to get interesting and I can't wait to see how the other teams are getting on, I really want to see what some of the other Demon's do as well now we've seen Temptest and Jackel. Hopefully in a week or so we'll see whatever is happening to Gajeel! And it might be something fun. (Or Gray!)

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