21 November 2013

An Adventure in Space and Time

So the drama based on the beginnings of Doctor Who has only just finished on BBCTwo, and what did I think?

Well that was a lovely little tale! We followed Variety Lambert and William Hartnell as they launched the show, made it a success and then finally left the show.

It was heartbreaking viewing. Watching William Hartnell deteriorate until he could no longer be The Doctor, a role we saw him grow to love, and not only love but to appreciate and care about so much that his perfectionism for it got on peoples nerves. Not only that but just how sad it made him and how lost he became as his friends started leaving the show.

It is a beautifully written drama with a lot of heart in it, trust Mark Gatiss to make a little gem of a drama, his love for the show shone out at every instance.

I loved the drama, the actors brought life to a story that I knew only the outlines of, OK it wasn't a documentary and it was dramatised and yadda yadda but I liked that about it, that injection of love that Doctor Who is all about. It had a top class cast and David Bradley was beautifully cast as Hartnell, he played it perfectly and his reaction to the big reveal at the end had me in tears.

I'll have to think this one over before writing anything else on the matter... Maybe there isn't any better words to describe it and better people will do a better job them I can ever imagine to do.

This will be one of the most amazing things you'll watch on TV this year, so make sure if you missed it that you catch up on it. It'll have you in tears by the end or else your heart is made of stone (or you aren't an emotional wreck like me but there you go!) It is a wonderful story about a bunch of amazing people who made a small little show about a madman in a box that 50 years later is still wowing audience's worldwide. We are getting a 50th anniversary episode that will be shown worldwide at the same time with three of the greatest actors right now.

What a wonderful story and a beautiful story.


OK so I've written my blog differently from my usual reviews, mainly because I have a migraine that I've had for three days now and can't think straight.

The most beautiful image I've ever seen is Hartnell, upset and tired about leaving the show, just coming face to face with his replacement and about to have his final moments in his TARDIS, he looks up and there is the gangly Doctor that in 50 years will be his new face.

Yes he looks up to see Matt Smith with his beautifully emotional face saying words that no one else could even think up. We are still going, you started this, thank you.

OK I cried equally because of the sadness of Hartnells story and the fact that Matt is leaving and this hit home just how much it is going to kill me as a Eleven fan. I've never had  a Doctor I liked regenerate, I wasn't alive to see anything pre-1989 being born in 1989 and I didn't like McCoy anyway (sorry!) or Eccleston/Tennant. I'm losing my Doctor and this moment just showed what we'll be losing. With one look he tells a whole story.

Yes I hijacked this blog to moan about losing Matt, but for me it hit home even more because we are about to say goodbye to Matt. The show goes on and sometimes it doesn't matter if the cast and crew want it to, Hartnell loved the show and it is sad that he got ill and had to go.

I might be able to muster better words sometime else but right now it is just.... Sad... Wonderful... And I'm watching An Unearthly Child.

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