25 November 2013

Gingitsune : The 15th Successor and Gintaro

Episode 1

Yes it is on like episode 8 and I'm just catching up with it. Its about a girl that is the only one that can see the shrine messenger called Gintaro. She (and him) are go betweens for the Gods and humans.

Interesting concept.


She's the 15th person that can see Gintaro, he's pretty awesome looking.

The intro makes it seem very much like a slice of life series with the added fantasy of having this giant spirit looking out for Makoto (the main character) with lots of cute spirits it seems.

Uka-no-Mitama is the God of agriculture that her fathers shrine is for. Makoto's father is really cute. It seems to be her mothers side of the family that she gets the ability to see Gintaro, seeing her father married into the family and can't see him.

So on her first day of school someone in her class asks her to look into her future, with the offering of a orange Gin agree's to tell her fortune. He see's that she's had a fight with her boyfriend and that her boyfriend is sorry but she should be humble, she only hears the boyfriend is sorry bit and runs out.

Never mind!

Don't wonder why he likes oranges, oranges are awesome.

Turns out that the "prediction" didn't come true, mainly probably because she wasn't humble about it. After getting angry at him she tells him to leave and leave he does.

Turns out that Gin went hunting for a new shrine, he doesn't seem to have it easy though. Man some of these spirits are cool looking!

After she learns that a cat has gone missing she goes to find Gin to get him to help her find the cat for them.

We find out that apparently he likes oranges because when he was originally just a fox a lovely lady gave him a orange after he got hurt. That is cute.

The series has great potential, the relationship between the two characters is adorable and made me go AWWWW a lot which is always good.

I love Gin, he is such a cool character, I like how he went on a complete sulk even though he's a centuries old spirit, it was nice. It is especially nice that we aren't just getting a spirit that thinks he's better then everyone else and states it, he went on a sulk and still thought he was more important but he learnt that he likes his life the way it is.

Makoto is just a normal girl which I like too, I'd hate if she suddenly become some super girl, seeing a spirit is enough, getting on with a normal life would be nice.

But the star of the whole show was her father, what a great character, the word of wisdom as well as being funny. I loved him.

The episode was great it had enough back story and information to get you geared up for the series as well as having a nice introductory story that gives you the main feel of what is happening. With the help of Gin, Makoto is able to tell fortunes, I can see this going one of two ways with the other girl in this episode, she'll either think that Makoto is a fraud and believe she does things to make herself look good (boring and over used theme) or else that'll be it. They'll either be friends or she'll dislike her still. It is nice to have seen the softer side, at first I kinda felt she was just a airhead then we saw that she wasn't so bad after all.

I like the style of it, it is a very beautifully drawn anime and Gin is a masterpiece in himself. It feels very real. Very much like Utchouten was.

I am interested in seeing what story this goes on to tell, it seems to be a very sweet and low key affair but I'm guessing something will happen. I'm guessing a more.... Kiniro Mosiac feel in that it isn't so much about what is going on but about the relationships and people involved. That could be quite cool.

Very impressed.

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