26 November 2013

Battle Spirits: Saikyou Ginga Ultimate Zero : All of Space Shakes! Ultimate vs Ultimate!!

Episode 8

We are off to save the handles to Planet Facuet.

I am not kidding. Do I look like I am kidding?! This is serious stuff!

So Tohno has gone crazy, apparently because he's cracked the plate on his head so his personality has changed.

Ohh Ultimate Seigfreden who would have guessed that he doesn't care about the other two Ultimate's he has now?

Nice to see Mr Freeze and the rest of them are all there for dinner with Basilla.

Eggplants sumo wrestling!!!! I nearly broke my own "no smilies" rule on that one!

So he has to battle all of the Generals before he gets to battle the boss. Amazingly it seems that he fights with all of his Ultimate's. That is something different! I thought it was only Seigfreden that mattered?

When he'd already fought twice before was there really a need to change into his battle gear?!

Zero the Cabbage? I can't say I don't find him getting his name wrong funny because I do, I find it as funn as I find it funny when anyone does it.

Anyway to the fight itself! Or battle as it is.

Wait isn't this the first time we'll see two Ultimates battle it out? Oh and look Seigfreden has been deployed, who'd have guessed? I'd have preferred to see Odin.

It was interesting obviously seeing the way Seigfreden works but it was kind of boring just having the good guy win, was hoping he'd lose at least this once. Guess it was asking too much, it also felt very much like a very sudden made up reason to save the day, it probably isn't made up but it felt that way.

Anyway Basilla leaves the Generals and goes questing in the galaxy. Miroku suddenly finds the three idiots and sticks them in a giant box in space. Kiriga gets the news that the Generals have disbanded.

Well that wasn't terrible I guess! It was too easy on Rei though he needs to be pushed, even Ash in Pokémon lost sometimes. Everyone loses sometimes and it is starting to really grind that he wins with such apparent ease all the time.

Saying that again it was nice seeing a new opponent and not one that was defeated in seconds though I'm really not happy with Seigfreden.

Never mind, hopefully the Guild will come to the front now and maybe even get to see Kiriga battle for a change, that would be fun.

The episode worked, it was a lot better then the one before last and it was quite funny I just feel it is all coming too easy, I don't know if I am just way too old for this show, it is a decent show but it just doesn't have a decent outcome in it.

I'll give it the next episode then make my mind up.

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