25 October 2013

Yozakura Quartet - Hana no Uta : Spring Winds

Episode 2

So we are going back to the town that houses both humans and Beasts.

After the attack of 9 giant Goldfish and our revelation (not the characters) that Lily wasn't human she was in fact a witch, what will happen next?


I have to say the start this week is very beautiful, I love its use of the cherry blossoms.

So apparently Hime has been sent a postcard from Lily. Turns out that Hime is a school kid as well as a mayor, interesting I guess. Akina obviously has an admirer in Touka.

Akina, Ao and Kyousuke work in the Neighbourhood Association with Jura (the nurse.) It turns out they all have cards from Lily. Even though Jura never even talked to her!

When Ao goes to give back take away bowls to Ren she is sure she's seen Lily but at a second glance she isn't there. She bumps into Yae who is a land goddess and one of the three people we saw last episode that I didn't have a clue who they were, and yes the girl with the boy (is it a boy?) lying on her lap is with her too. No names for them yet probably missed them last episode (hence the writing names like I knew the character for 20 years or so!)

Back in the office and Kyousuke's cute little horns warn him of something and he goes running off. No idea. He comes back later bloated for some reason. When he returns Shidare-san and Shiina-san from the senate arrive.They are here to collect the health certificates for the new Daemons. Turns out the senate doesn't really like Daemons much and Touka is Kyousuke's sister.

 After the break we get to see the girls day at school. I didn't notice it until then but it seems that Daemons wear shackles like bracelets. We also find out what Kyousuke emergency was Hime going over her calory allowance. He is also a Ogre.

So Hime and Kotoha have a "sparing" match. Weird as that is with them two, though I guess Yae wins the moment as she is really weird. Then Lily comes along and tells us all about Kotoha and how she became what she is and suddenly the weather changes and everything goes a little mad.

A happy-ish ending though!

I am a little lost on some small points. The "Shackles" is it only Ogre's that have them then because Ao doesn't have them (probably why I'd never noticed them before!) or only certain types of Daemon? And is it Daemon or Beast because last episode it was Beast now the translation says Daemon?

Either way that is the only bits I didn't understand, well... I understood they were the bits I scratched my head at.

What I didn't understand was the three siblings? Are they siblings? Yae and the two other ones, now they are creepy in a different way! Though Yae is quite funny!

I loved the episode I thought it was nice, and it was great we got to see both of the groups days and not just follow one story around.

Don't like the two people from the senate much, what have they got against Daemons? If they've let their town open to Daemons then why be so brutal against them? I don't get it, I guess we'll find out, though them two and the other one we got a flash of with his bonsai tree look more like bad guys then Lily ever does!

Talking of Lily, what is the point of her stalking them? I mean in Lily form? Now that the audience know what she looks like other then in flashes to Ao why did we have Lily/Lily sitting on the spliced cage thing and not Witch/Lily?

Either way I quite like that they are out to make trouble!

There seems to be a lot of history with these characters as well, so where is Ao's brother? Seeing as she seems to be in a relationship of some sort with Kotoha and we are being led to believe that her powers did something possibly terrible once upon a time does this mean it involved Ao's brother?

And is Touka a Ogre? That would be cute!

I really do like all the characters in this they are all really sweet and have so much to them. They aren't 2 dimensional boring carbon copies of what they think these characters should be. Yeah there might be 100 animes with similar stories and similar characters but personally the characters are coming across as individuals and not the normal template for character A, K or X is.

Enjoyable, fun and the story is really starting to get good!

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