25 October 2013

Yozakura Quartet - Hana no Uta : Set in Motion

Episode 3

Slowly getting to know the main characters it by bit. They have a load of weird habits and strange ways about them but they are still wonderful characters.


Hime seems to be hungry, Ao and Kotoha are playing the dance game from last episode.

Akina tells them they all have to help clean the office the next day but they all seemed to be busy so Akina does it by himself. Just after he'd finished Kyousuke shows up. They talk about Akina going to see the elders and whilst they were eating Touka shows up with Yae. Touka has broken her leg but also made food for them all to eat. After losing her temper she gets sent home, poor Touka, and I'm guessing yes, yes the shackle is only for Ogres who don't seem to be able to control their strength.

On her way home she tries to save Mina and Kina when their father look like he's going to run into them but squeezes them too hard. Turns out the two boys are actually Vampires and gods know what Akina being Dutybound means. I kept writing Jura last episode review but the nurse is called Juri not Jura.

The Daemons gather for one reason, the Dutybound are meant to send them off to the dimensions that they belong too. There is no knowing whether the other dimension would be a better place or not and Akina's family liken "tuning" the Daemons into their own dimension to death and murder.

On his way home with Touka, Akina attacks Kyousuke and makes him take off his shackles. One Ogre punch later and Akina and making sure that Kyousuke understands why he won't send him back but also that if his or Touka's (or anyone's I guess) power did get over the top he wouldn't think twice of sending them back.

Really interesting episode.

I like Akina's story and also the fact that they liken their duty to murder, at the end of the day you can't tell what exactly would happen to the Daemons if they were sent back so for a human it would be like murder and I think that explains enough to be honest for him. I don't think the Daemons would think that way but why would they?

Ao's mystery is one that I want to delve deeper into, what happened to her brother? I'd like to know!

As it is it is nice to find out a little more about Akina and really the whole point of the series!

The Daemons come because of him, I'm guessing that the Senate feel resentment on all that and that is why they are so cruel but I see it from Akina's point of view.

Look at him and his friends, if he sends them back to the other Dimension he'd never get to see them or talk to them again, it isn't like they can just pop back at any time, he'd lose friends, other people would lose friends like Hime. And then what happens to people like Kotoha who is only half Daemon? Would he send her over or keep her here?

It seems that any bad Daemon would be sorted before they became a problem so I understand why Akina is seeing the best in everyone and doesn't want to send them back, it is a big thing to undertake. You don't really know whether you are killing them or not, you only have a stories word for it that it is sending them anywhere but to their deaths.

It puts quite a sad spin on Akina's life to be honest.

I do feel for the Ogre's though because it is obvious neither of them want to hurt anyone but they can't really help what they are doing so it isn't like they have much of a choice either way. I mean Touka broke her lunchbox just by holding it and not noticing how hard she had it held! Not her fault.

The story is coming along and I'm enjoying it. I think this will be one of the best stories that will come out of this season. The characters are all great and there is this dark streak running in the centre of the story which is really making it a wonderful adventure to watch.

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