25 October 2013

Yozakure Quartet - Hana no Uta : Blooming Cherry Blossoms

Episode 1

Going to have a big push to get up to date with all the anime's I've missed, yeah I know I said it would be easier but life got in the way!

Yozakura Quartet hasn't been brought to my attention yet, that isn't a bad thing though. Again have very little knowledge of what it is all about (damn me not previewing things!) but lets have a look and see?


So there seems to be three of them in a house making a "fish tank" which turns into a flock of pigeons.

Magic then? Always fun! The intro gives me hope as it looks like something I'd be interested in.

So a girl is humming and skipping along the street.... Turns out there will be a festival in the city today. Just when I started to think the girl was a ghost or something Kotoha and Touka start talking to her (yes I write that like we know these two, we don't, but I'll forget their names if I don't write it down now!)

Elsewhere and we meet Hime who apparently is the Mayor and a guy calling her Milady.

So Kotoha is a Beastling and has her own maigical power. Hime is eating too much according to her follower. Hime is human and tells the girl that this city is where Beasts and humans live together, there are seven pillars which call the Beasts to their town. The little girl apparently is called Lily.

Touka wants to take Lily to Akina to help her find her parents but Hime decides to instead. Kyousuke is the name of Hime's follower.

Then there is some strange and quite scary bloke who doesn't seem to like the pillars.

To the lost children's center. Turns out that all the kids there weren't lost their father put them there when he was working, that is quite funny. Akina seems to be a boy and Ao is an over excited girl... Ao is a Satori (Beast) and tries to help find her mum and dad.

The drawing of Lily's parents were scary but before they could do anything there is a lightening strike and a fish falls out of the sky (give it a chance!) and starts to grow big in front of Kotoha and Touka. We suddenly kind of meet three other people but not sure who they are...

Having a showcase of how Kotoha's magic works was fun but big scary dude is filling the whole city with over large goldfish. Ahhh and this is were the pigeon thing came from! Obviously big scary bloke turned all her fish tanks into pigeons. And then the goldfish got scarier!  Working together they get all 8 fish into tanks and scary bloke goes away.

They also manage to find Lily's family! Or maybe not turns out that Lily works with creepy bloke and is actually some sort of magical witch girl....

I really enjoyed that! I have to say that it went by so fast that a slower pace might have been slightly better but nothing was lost in it. Good first episode altogether.

I now know this is a remake (second attempt) at a manga adaptation, mainly because I didn't know the name of the episode and had to go find it just to find out that the series apparently screened in '08... Further explanation came and I figured out what was going on. Might actually watch the first attempt at it as this was pretty good!

Really liking the characters. Beasts and Humans living together I got, the main character points of each character I got. Blending it all together will come with time I guess, it was a little too much information and action to completely wrap my head around but it never lost me.

Kotoha's magic is awesome! I know it isn't anything special but I loved watching her use it and I really love Kyousuke even though we hardly saw him at all!

I'd like to know why all these kids seem to be in charge, or are they kids?

It seems like an interesting story that could be told with some really fun character to tell it with, I can't wait to see how it plays out to be totally honest. It really made a bang with episode one, I know some people I talk to won't like what they'd perceive as "silliness" with the goldfish but personally I liked it. I think I like anything that can mix seriousness with something lighter. Get too dark and you can lose people's interest, keep it light in moderation and the darker side of the show gets even darker (look at my reaction to this week and last weeks Fairy Tail chapters.)

I think the thing that did stand out for me though was the characters, I really loved each one, there wasn't one that got on my nerves, looked stupid or annoyed me in anyway. I loved each one and found each interesting in their own unique right. That is the sign of a good anime. You have to enjoy the company as it were of the characters if you are going to keep watching (a problem I have with a lot of media, take Chuck for instance, one of my fav TV shows but I HATE Sarah so after series 2, end of series 3 I can hardly watch the show anymore without wanting something terrible to happen to a main character who you are MEANT to love.)

Away from that I think it looks nice, the problem I'm having with Blazblue is how it looks over anything else, this anime is very easy to watch and very beautiful in its way. Nothing I've seen so far is quite as wonderful and beautiful as Uchouten was but this has its charms I have to say.

It has a more upbeat feel to it then a lot of the anime I've seen so far, which isn't much from this season but there you go.

A definite yes from me and a must see if like me you are behind (or if you find this in a few years time and trying to make your mind up!)

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