3 October 2013

Coppelion : Coppelion

Episode 1

Now this is something I HAVE heard about!

This anime was cancelled (well, postponed) after the terrible events at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. The reason being that it is set in a post radiated Tokoyo after a disaster at a power plant.

Should be interesting.


We see Ibara walking on a deserted path being followed by two other girls. The others are called Aoi and Taeko.

So they are students and have arrived at an abandoned town and are told over the phone by the principal to head towards the center of the "old Capital".  Suddenly a SOS pops up within 5 kilometers of their position, they are told to find them but to do nothing else so they go to find them.

Whilst they sit down to eat a picnic suddenly they hear someone, under the bridge they find their first human. They sound like they are in pain and they've been told not to help him. Ibara decides not to listen to the principal though and jumps to aid the man.

They have specialized hand guns to shoot cures at people?! Neat!

After helping the principal (well Vice Principal) shows up wearing all the hazmat suits and gas masks and all sorts so why the heck have they sent students out in skimpy school uniforms?!

Well we get an explanation they are genetically engineered kids called Coppelions.

Next day and they find a dog stalking Taeko. Turns out that the animals don't seem to be effected by the radiation. So the search for the SOS message carries on.

So the vice principal is "taking" the nation to the epicenter via video link whilst the girls are out looking for survivors. The girls are getting followed by the dog which is a pain for them as they can't use their equipment to find people if the dog is following them so Taeko stays with the dog whilst the others go on searching.

They do finally find someone, but they are too late for him, he's been dead for over a month and it seems to be suicide. But there is something else, a dog that doesn't seem to have adapted and is covered in blood. Ibara tranqs it and figures out that the dogs have become feral, they try to radio Taeko (we get to see her radio lying in a puddle of blood) and it has now become a rescue mission for one of their own.

 Well first impression is how nicely it is drawn. It is a little weird how the girls outlines could be very thick at times like they'd been implanted into the scene. They kind of didn't fit half the time but it was still beautifully drawn. I loved the derelict city scape it was brilliant.

The actual show is really interesting and held my attention completely throughout, I do always have to roll my eyes at anything with school girls in it especially when it just doesn't seem to fit but to be honest it doesn't matter with this series, the whole story is so interesting that it doesn't matter what the girls are it just matters what they are doing.

I can't help but feel their vice principal is up to something but that is based on a hunch and nothing more, he probably is innocent but he just doesn't seem very nice.

I'd also be very interested to find out more about Coppelion, I mean they've specially engineered kids? Purely for this or for something else?

It is one of the first anime's that really have peaked my interested from the first moment.

The story is something, so far, you'd think you'd find in a Hollywood movie and the scenery is so well drawn it is really life like. Really top draw from the get go.

As for the characters.

Well you have the serious one, Ibara, who seems to be more of the main character. Aoi is the "comedy" character and Taeko seems to be the balance. Whereas Ibara might be ruthless if needs be (though very strongly opinionated and not to be told what to do) I feel Taeko might be the one that reigns her in.

All three of the girls are interesting, not one annoyed me in anyway, they are all well written and I can't wait to see what we learn about each girl individually.

I really am looking forward to this series.

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