18 September 2013

WataMote : Since I'm Not Popular, I'll Take Part in the Culture Festival

Lament 11

The new school year didn't start well for Tomoko and now the Culture Festival is upon her!


Everyone is getting the festival sorted out but it seems that Tomoko has been forgotten. She's just sitting on the edge of the class away from everyone not helping at all.

So Cosplay Cafe it is.

She overhears that flyers need to be cut out and volunteers just for the girls to turn her down. She doesn't give up though and gets the job, she plans on making it stretch for as long as possible but the other girls send two boys to help her who just cut them as fast as possible.

She then cuts herself and runs to the nurses office running into a girl on the way. The girl worries about her after seeing the blood and rushes her to the nurse, she's actually really nice to Tomoko. The girl is on the planning committee and seems really nice.

Tomoko decides to go and help set up the gym rather than help her own class and the friend she made earlier is there.

By the time she gets back to her classroom it is all done and its late so she leaves. She goes and gets a maid costume and sends a photo of it to Yuu who phones to tell her it looks cute and that she'll come to the cafe to see her.

Unfortunately she doesn't go to school next day in her Cosplay and doesn't really help out. She goes to see the light music club perform instead. During the performance she gets ill and ends up throwing up in the toilet.

Next day she once again walks into the girl from the committee before going to her class. Again she isn't in her Cosplay, she's just standing about. Yuu shows up and hugs her... Which leads her to being weird again. The committee girl goes to her class to ask if she is doing a shift and finds out that no she actually isn't doing a shift at all. Yuu finally leaves after her friends phone her to tell her that they are leaving and Tomoko is on her own once more.

The committee girl see's Tomoko on her own so dresses up in the mascot suit and goes over to give Tomoko a balloon. Plus a hug.

How bloody sweet?!

That was a really nice episode though it was also quite sad at the same time. I mean the whole class just ignored her! Not that I find that surprising it happened to me all the time. It was lovely that Tomoko kind of made a friend without knowing it.

I love the committee girl I wish we'd found out her name! And I'd love to see her again.

I'm still not really that into Yuu she doesn't seem to realize that her friend is lonely, all it takes is for her to invite Tomoko to join her and her friends to do something and Tomoko would probably feel better as it is it is just sad.

I loved the episode, though I wish that Tomoko had been brave enough to wear the Cosplay uniform and try and fit in, then again when she did try they turned her away which was really mean.

At least she enjoyed herself!

And got a red balloon for her troubles.

It was just a nice change to have someone actually trying to be nice to her, I mean the guy that talked to her in the last episode kind of probably was being nice but the whole thing felt more like a gentle version of mocking her "hey I'm talking to this girl that no one ever speaks to" "ohh go you keep talking to her" whilst Tomoko melts away in her chair. This girl just kind of. Was nice. It didn't need to be anything else, she kind of could see that she wasn't fitting in and that she was on her own and was nice to her.

I wish more people had been like that at school with me!

I'm really interested to see what they do next episode, if I'm not mistaken we are on the last one and I want to know whether they go down the route of giving her a partly happy ending (not that this has to be an ending I want season 2 of WataMote!) or whether they do what really happens in life and keep her on her own.

A little off topic for this episode but about the show is I've seen a lot of people out there criticizing the show for being unrealistic. Whether or not the people writing this went through it or whether they were doing something else I don't know but I can say that this really happens.

At school I was ALWAYS ignored, the only time I wasn't ignored was by bullies. When my class was doing the year book preparations they never once asked me about it, they basically all sat around a giant table (our tutor room was a clay room so it was a big art work bench) and threw ideas around, they collected photos from everyone but I was totally ignored. I hardly feature in our year book.

It is worse then bullying at times, feeling like a ghost. It is a horrible thing to go through and that is why I love Tomoko. People find her difficult to understand because she's so mean in her head or she lies. I've been there and done that. If you haven't been a "ghost" in school you wouldn't understand. Even when I was paired up with someone for an assignment I was ignored by my partner. I had nothing and you think I sat there thinking "oh what a lovely guy for leaving me here to do all the work whilst him and his friends sit on the other side of the room and have fun"? Hell no I thought "what a fucking bastard leaving me to do all the work whilst him and his idiot friends piss ass about over there, why the hell doesn't the teacher send him back here to do his share of the work?"

Not everyone can be lovely and think nicely of people who wouldn't sink low enough to realize that they exist.

I love the series and Tomoko is real to me, OK somethings aren't the same but she is real, there are people out there like her. If you want to talk to me about it I'm right here and can tell you just how horrible it really is!

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