18 September 2013

Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou : Dogs and Scissors Require Good Handling

Chapter 12

Last episode was. Well. A little bit of everything. Good fun but a little packed and no real story.

Kind of hoping there is more of a story this week!


Weirdo is here right from the start and being ignored. She uses Morse code to tell him to ignore her.

Anyway she's came over to tell Natsuno that she should come clean on who she is, she'd been hiding it knowing that if when she brought out her first book she told the world who she was her work would be judged on her and not the material but now apparently it doesn't matter her reputation speaks for itself.

And look she's working on Lust!

We are having a book signing are we?

God of masochism? She's able to change her clothes when she's sat down writing.... So weird! Madoka is there with her curry. Now Hami is here.....

Ohhh the episode is already making little to no sense!

So now they want to get Natsuno drunk to "change" her attitude so she'll agree to change her style....

All it seems to do is make her giggly and nice to Harumi. Oh and weirdo who's "M" gauge is going slowly down (if it reaches zero apparently she'll die.) So they make her more drunk.

Nah it didn't work, Weirdo is dead.

We get a dream sequence of their wedding.... Afro presides over it YAY AFRO!!!! The bouquet ends up landing on the mysterious girl in the wheelchair. You know the other writer.

We even get to see their honey moon in Hawaii and EVERYONE is there. EVERYONE. Then onto the new home. And.... Children.....

We then end up in the bedroom and something is apparently coming out of Natsuno.... Se vomited over him. Poor thing!

Next day and they are back to normal.

And we end!

Wow, the first half was kind of.... OK funny joke time the second half was funny but is this the end? Really?

Kind of went out with a bit of a fizzle.

I mean to be honest the episode was great but... There have been so many better episodes then this and this was what they finished with?

Kind of sad actually.

Taking away the fact it was the finale the episode was good, it did the one thing this series is good for. Made you laugh and love the characters.

I liked the Editors stupid ways of getting Natsuno to "change her image" and it was funny that they got her drunk. The dream sequences were probably some of the greatest scenes there has been!

What I didn't like was how it ended and that is purely down to the fact it is the final episode. There was no real ending, yes the story of these two will go on and blah, blah, blah. But this was the big "I love you revel" and we didn't really get anywhere with it. Not to mention we just leave them doing what they did in the first place anyway!

This is the second series to end so far and the second one that went off disappointing me a little, at least Blood Lad was just that I wanted more! This one just died. If there isn't a second series then that is the flattest ending I could have imagined and that is pretty sad.

Like Blood Lad I will have another blog up some other time to talk about the series as a whole so won't go into detail right now about it but I have to say that even with the last two episode this has been a pleasure to watch!

There isn't really much more to say about it really, it was two small gags glued together and that really is it.

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