26 September 2013

Vicious circle of neighbor complaints

So our neighbor complained to our landlord that our dogs bark all day and night, only shit in her garden, we never clean it up and we leave them alone in the house all day.

Now most of that contradicts itself anyway, how can the dogs be outside in their garden all day shitting if we aren't home and lock them up?

But our landlord had to come and tell us off, don't let the dogs in the garden until you've put a fence/chicken wire up and try to stop them barking.

According to her our dogs have the ability to keep a 13 year old up all night in the next house but leave a 4 year old asleep in the room above them.... She's covering her own ass because her kid doesn't go to school!

Anyway that isn't the point, we were nice to the lady when she moved in and took a load of crap from her sons but since then we don't want anything to do with them. It feels like walking on egg shells, oh our dog barked once they might evict us, oh Christy had a temper tantrum they might evict us.... You get what I mean.

We've done everything our landlord has told us to do, kind of. They've said the dogs can go in the garden on their lead, we refuse to anymore we take them out the front of the house whenever they need the toilet. We haven't got a fence up yet as we haven't got the money but we moved one dog out of the house (yes my dog Gimli is living with my nan now, sad times) and the other from the kitchen to the living room.

Thing is we can't defend ourselves against the allegations, after all it is harder to prove that someone is lying than lying in the first place!

We decided not to go tit for tat as there are plenty of things we could complain about from her screaming at her kids at all times of the day to their cats being left to shit in our garden (yes she is that hypocritical!) but we haven't.

Today they put fish guts on our side of the garden for bin bag day. FISH GUTS! So my mum put it back on their side of the garden, they watched my mum and opened the door on our friend Matt who was helping take the bin bags down glared at him and shut the front door. After we finished we watched out the front door as she put the bag back on our side, my mum confronted her and she said it was dog poo.

Now the day BEFORE the landlord came with the complaint we went into her garden and cleaned all dog poo up as Cat did nearly every day anyway, that was over a week ago so how she STILL has dog poo in her garden when we haven't let the dogs out is beyond me and why our dogs suddenly crap out fish guts again is beyond me. The petty mindedness of it all is beyond me too, I mean for fuck sake what the hell is wrong with putting it with her rubbish? Does she think the bin men will judge her for her stinking fish habits?!

So, finally fed up of it all I've e-mailed the landlord with a counter complaint and asking for advice on what to do. I say counter complaint because I've even said I know that she'll probably complain about us anyway, we are living in fear that anything we do will be reported and we can't defend ourselves and even though we've now complained about them and their shouting and cats if the landlord went to see them about it they'll just find a reason to complain about us and we'll be on the back foot because they complained first!

Nowhere on line seems to have any advice on it, other then what I've done which is to say we are worried that she'll complain about things that we aren't even doing and we already know the second a complaint is made there is no real room for defense as then it'll come down to one persons word against the others.

It is just so annoying!

Finally I looked like I was getting a bit better, I was looking forward to work and I started my Japanese lessons.

Then out of the blue this, we've been on egg shells ever since and now my mum has confronted them no doubt they'll hate us for whatever reason.

Ohhh and the Primary School reported my sister to Social Services who are coming tomorrow at ridiculous o'clock in the morning to assess our house (god knows what our next door neighbor will do if she finds that out!) The big problem with that is that our house is full of clutter, the last time social came round here they said they understood the problems. I mean it'll probably help Cat move out faster but then me and my mum are totally fucked so it isn't exactly good news (to be fair we don't need to be cluttered Christy is spoilt and if Cat got off her arse and just got on with life rather then try and do things to go to the council and say "look I've made myself even more cluttered now I REALLY need a house" we'd be fine.)

I won't sleep tonight meaning I'll either be asleep when social come which will probably get Cat marked down or else I'll be grumpy. I've said I'll take the dog out but I don't think I can handle him around people on my own and right now I just feel like crying.

What the hell are my family actually meant to do?

Our neighbor will complain come what may and gods know what will happen with social tomorrow.

I feel tomorrow my life is going to be turned upside down and it is making me ten times worse than I have ever been.

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