17 September 2013

Kiniro Mosaic : Try and guess how much I like you

Episode 11

Last week was like fact file week. Wanted to know some strange little bits and pieces about the girls? Well last week was the week! It was actually very interesting.

Getting close to the end so I wonder what we'll be up to now?!


Christmas party!

What a great beginning! So we are meant to be excited because Yoko is wearing a coat? She tells Alice that if you get accustomed to the cold you won't get a cold even in winter, after announcing she wouldn't wear a coat Aya tells Alice that Yoko is an idiot and Alice decides not to listen to her.

Awww cute!

So we get to learn a little about Japan's version of Christmas.

PRESENTS! Karen has asked for love.... This leads Aya hoping for love for Christmas too. Cute!

Sensei says that she is going to pray on Christmas but I think its a way of saying she doesn't have a boyfriend. Poor Sensei!

Getting the decorations up! Not much different to English celebrations then. How pretty though, my area isn't really one for decorations outside anymore (well apart from one house that STILL has them up at the end of Frogmore.) Doesn't Shino's street look lovely?!

There doesn't seem to be much of a point to this episode, there are a lot of skits which is actually quite nice!

Now I really feel like I need to make a friend in Japan and go spend Christmas with them. Any Japanese people out there willing to take me in for Christmas?! Well maybe next years!

So Shino's present to Alice is a rock that Shino brought over from England. Cute in one way I guess!

So after the New Year we are back at school!

Apparently Karen's first dream of the year was that Alice forgot how to speak Japanese, it seems that she really has!

Turns out that Alice was worried that Shino had stopped liking her so was trying to be more British to make her like her.

Skip forward and we are at graduation and the girls are faced with moving to the second year! Exciting.

After the end sequence we get another great Alice dream where Aya is the mummy, Yoko is the grandad, Shino is the daughter, sensei is the second daughter and Alice is the pet. Awww!

So slowly we are coming to an end of our stay in Japan, I wonder if Alice will go home when the school term ends or whether or not she'll stay. I guess I'd like it to end with Alice leaving but with the promise she'll be back, and then I can dream we'll get a second series!

Had to feel sorry for Alice having the nightmares about Shino not liking her, such a weird thing to worry so much about but I don't blame her! I do love Alice, she's just adorable and I love the actress when she's speaking English and wish there was more English speaking scenes!

The last dream sequence kind of is how I feel about it anyway, they are like a little family because it isn't just about the five of them the teacher and Isa are part of it too and it gives it a real family like feeling.

All the relationships are special and together they are a special group, I can't wait to see them again and I'm hating thinking that we'll not see them again for new adventures soon. They've grown on me!

This and Free! are probably my biggest surprises, I liked episode one but thought that it wouldn't keep my interest but it has and I've grown found of the group (like I have in Free!) and just love how it doesn't have to be an adventure, there doesn't have to be a "story" you can just sit there and see the life of five girls and enjoy yourself.

Great fun!

And it was nice to see Christmas, even if it was only a glimpse.

Now where can I get a Alice for a pet?

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