24 August 2013

One Piece : Things that you can't lie about

Chapter 24

We met Usopp last episode who seems to be a chronic liar who wants to join Luffy's crew.

There is a sick girl asking to talk to him though, what is going to happen?


Usopp's crew come to save him just to be told he's already left. Turns out Usopp knew he had to go to the mansion, the kids tell them that he goes to the mansion to tell lies.

Kaya's butler doesn't seem to be happy with her request to talk to Usopp, he tells her she can't speak to him and leaves but Usopp is already in the garden outside her window.

It isn't so much that he tells her lies but he tells her stories about his "great adventures" to cheer her up.

Sooo Luffy decides to go to see Kaya and break in. Of course the butler notices and kicks them all out, before they leave though the butler tells us that Usopp is actually son to a pirate! The butler, by the by is called Klahador.  Anyway Klahador upsets Kaya but not half as much as his words anger Usopp who punches the gobby butler.

So Usopp is the son of a pirate! No wonder he likes pirates so much, that is bound to make him instant friends with Luffy.

I feel bad for him, he's doing something nice for a girl who is bed bound and that know-it-all butler is standing in his way. I hope he gets more than just a punch, what a pain he is! If he wanted to do what is best for Kaya he'd leave her and Usopp alone.

And where does he get off having a go at Usopps father?! What is so good about his family?

I kinda liked Usopp as a jokey character last chapter but this time out I have fallen in love with him. He is pretty much  a lovely character just like Luffy and Zoro. I'd love him to stay with the guys, only if Kaya wants him to leave though as I wouldn't want her left on her own!

I wonder what is wrong with Kaya? She seems like such a sweet young girl but there doesn't actually LOOK to be anything wrong.  I like to hope that she'll get better at some point.

It is really nice to see characters just being nice to each other no matter what, there isn't any romantic thing there it just seems to be sweet friendships.

It has made me feel all warm and fluffy inside!

Already I love Usopp, hope good things happen for him, not looking good right now though does it?

Klahadore, grrrrrrrrr.

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