5 August 2013

Makai Ouji : Devils and Realists : Mill and Flour

Episode 5

So we have a new Demon, the head boy turns out to be half Demon who fell in love with a girl who now is a lady on deaths door.

Very sad!


How very Harry Potter looking does their dinner hall look?

I love Sytry and his love for sweets! And Isaac is the son of a tea trader, how exciting!

Camio gives a task to William, they are going to build a new building so needs William to hunt out the problem kids in the Headmasters house so that the Chairman doesn't stop the donations. Camio plays on Williams love of being brilliant at school and says if he does it and gets in the Headmasters good books he might be the youngest person to be admitted into the Headmasters house.

So walking through the woods at night... It looks like midday! They have messed up woods or else Isaac is worrying about having to walk in them later on. (ATOMS!)

Wow we meet Dantalions "Fiancée" Lamia, and then Lady Astaroth. Dantalion seems to be reporting baqck on his "rivals" and she gives him the news that there is someone more dangerous by Williams side. It can't be poor Isaac who has made a necklace of garlic for William and decided to sleep with him to keep him safe from ghosts! He's way too cute. And it can't be Kevin who is perfect! Maybe this person who is now singing about grinding.  The singing thing turns out to be some kind of Goblin thing? "Bitter and Mad, Lonely and Sad, it's not fair..." What a sad song.

Aww he used the water mill and doesn't want it to be demolished, he even started to cry poor thing! The creature is a Killmoulis, a fairy that lives in water mills in Scotland (who said we don't learn stuff from anime?!) if he doesn't have grain to mill then he dies. Awww William sends him to India to grind spices. Such a sweet thought.

Poor William gets no recognition for his work instead it is Isaac who gets introduced to the Headmaster as he is the one whose father gave them a donation.

Nooo it seems Kevin is the person that Astaroth warned Dantalion about. If Dantalion does anything to upset Kevin I might have to dislike him! Poor Kevin.

Another very fun episode. I love them as a gang, the demons are really funny and Williams reaction to everything is extremely brilliant each and every episode!

We are all just atoms, even demons.

We didn't get to see much of the new two girls (and I apologize if I've spelt their names wrong!) but they look interesting. I wonder why Dantalion is reporting to them, did he say she was his boss or that his boss had sent him there?

The story of the Killmoulis was so sad and quite sweet! It is adorable that William actually helped him instead of just leaving him to die because he didn't have anything to grind. It was also pretty sweet just learning about him, and his song was such a sad one too.

Isaac is brilliant for comic relief but I also think he'll add that emotional drama later on as well. He is really needed when William is around.

And hardly any Kevin? What is this blasphemy! After all this show is called Kevin and Kevin.... Or maybe I just imagined that?

I really just love this series, I know I say it a lot about most of the series this season but I can't help it. They are all just that little bit different and have their own strengths.

I go on about it every episode but this ones strength is how is seamlessly goes from deadly serious (and wonderfully serious looking animation) to laughably funny (with cute animation). But neither takes away from the other, we don't lose out on the seriousness because suddenly one character makes a funny, in fact it enhances all your emotions about the situation.

It helps that the demons are really wonderful characters and the humans are all pretty normal people.

The episode is a nice little soft tale with educational purposes as well, in a way, about its subject matter which is the occult. I'd never heard of Killmoulis before now. They are real creatures (I googled before I wrote this so I didn't look like a twit) and it was just nice to learn about them, see that not all occult creatures are evil and that some are helpful and when sad or scared for their life could come across as scary to us but really all they want is help!

OK I'm talking about this like Killmoulis are real...

Of course they are real, after all they are just atoms?!

Another great episode and episode 6 looks to be just as great from the preview at the end!

Roll on next week.

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