13 August 2013

Kiniro Mosaic : Golden Alice, Golden Karen

Episode 6

So we've had an episode about sisters last week and this week seems to be about the two English girls. So what to expect from the Golden pair?


Yamanote Line Game... It seems it means you keep saying something to do with the subject you choose, so they choose "Cute things" and ended up in a Alice/Shino circle of doom...

Summer Vacation! Yoko wants to go to the beach and Alice wants to go to the mountains. Aya wants to stay at home, Shino wants to go somewhere cool and Alice wants to go somewhere to have fun.

Mountains it is!

Jebus what the heck is Shino wearing... She's a forest fairy?! She doesn't look like a fairy she just looks too warm.

My jaw dropped, what the heck.... A motor home that is like as big as the bloody mountain! Karen's father must be loaded! Karen is very happy to be in the mountain. It seems that Karen is pretty good at fishing, Alice wanted to be good but it isn't working so she goes into the stream and tries to pick a fish out of the water...

Shino is really absentminded she ends up falling into the stream whilst trying to be careful.

Alice really does look so much younger than the rest of them!

Next they go to a festival and seem to have a lot of fun together. They end the night with sparklers which is the perfect ending to an evening. And Yoko is lovely and went to buy plasters for Aya's feet after noticing that she'd hurt herself by letting her sandals rub.

And Karen is a disaster area!

Well what a wonderful little episode!

If anyone reading this has read any of my blogs they'll know 1. I never had friends at school, in fact I still don't have friends and 2. I've been having a real stressful time of it recently. So on one level it has upset me because that is always the kind of thing I wanted when I was a kid just a friend to go places and do things with let alone a gang of friends and on another level it really made my week.

I liked that we got away from the school and just had them doing stuff together. There were two very distinct but similar stories in both halves of the episode. The mountain trip and the festival. Both were brilliant.

The show just makes you laugh, all the characters have their own unique personality and they all have their own unique place in the group.

My favorite characters are always going to be Yoko and Aya because they also tend to be "outside" of this thing with Shino, Alice and Karen but it doesn't take away how wonderful the other three characters are. This show wouldn't work without all the characters balancing each other out.

In a season full of weirdness, murdering and all sorts it is nice just to have a change of pace with something innocent and totally carefree. It won't be for a lot of people, there is no real plot and other than a story about five friends it doesn't really have much to it but it is just a perfect little show. You get attached to each of the girls in their own way and it is a favorite of mine in general.

Have to love Karen with the fireworks... Sooo funny!

And Shino's dress sense.... Yeah you just do what you like Shino!

Great episode.

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