21 August 2013

Free! : Memories in the Distance!

Episode 2

It has been a while coming but finally Free! Episode 2 is reviewed.

*Funky celebration music inserted here*

So what happened, like 6 weeks ago in episode 1?

We learnt about the main characters, they were all in a swimming group together as kids and separated after winning a relay tournament. One of them went to Australia to swim the others grew up. Now they are all at school together and their old friend has returned and is in the posh swimming school.

They've broken into the school to see their friend but Haru, who didn't want to come, was only interested in the swimming pool. Suddenly Rin, the one that went to Australia, shows up and challenges Haru to a swimming contest. Here we go!


First off great music to use for the contest. We don't actually get to see the competition but it seems that Haru won.

Next day and the three of them are in trouble about tresspassing in another school.

What is the point with the Gou/Kou thing really?! She asks them how meeting Rin was and they tell her exactly how cold and competitive he was. They also find out she was the one that sent him to the swimming club though she was only doing it to get him to open up.

Nagisa decides he wants to start a swimming club and asks Haru who agrees. Kou made me laugh with her "I must not oogle men" comments. So they start a swimming contest. They ask Miss Ama to be their faculty teacher because they think she worked with swimwear... By her reaction she's probably been a swimsuit model.

Kou goes to see Rin and ends up in heaven looking at half naked men. Turns out Rin isn't on the swim team at all, what happened? So they need one more member and to restore the school pool! Miss Ama and Nagisa are two of a kind but so sweet.

You literally can't take Haru anywhere with water without him stripping off.

Nagisa isn't the best person to find members, he kind of just jumped out and screamed at them.

Kou tells Mako that Rin didn't join the swimming club and Mako tells her that Rin won the race between the two of them. Being told that Haru was back to his old self after swimming again Kou decides to join to make up the numbers and make Rin normal again.

Ha! Their old coach is now a part time pizza boy. He tells Mako how Haru had already seen Rin before when he came back home to visit and beat him in a race and that is probably why he decided to quite racing because he realized that he hurt Rin's feelings.

Ok so the show is still on the edge. I like the characters, I liked Haru a lot more this episode then I have so far. I like the feel, it has that kind of friends in it together vibe.

Maybe it wasn't a bad thing that I took a few weeks to catch up on it, my bad feelings from episode 1 had disappeared and it was like watching it for the first time all over again and what a better episode it was.

I kind of like the relationship going on between the boys and Rin and all the emotional turmoil that Rin seems to be keeping inside of him. Haru needs to start opening up a little before I want to have him killed off (not that anyone will be killed off in a anime like this mind you!) but he does add another layer to the Rin mystery.

I really am in two minds about it (good thing I have about another 4 or 5 episode to watch for today!) it doesn't hold my attention the whole time, it is a bit too Home and Away for my liking. There is a new character next episode so maybe that'll help bring some life into it.

It isn't a bad anime though, this is the thing. The story and most of the characters are really good and I've enjoyed the two episodes immensely AT TIMES. The times I'm not enjoying it I'm usually staring at the screen trying not to miss something that might be important but losing interest.

This episode had the huge positive of the Rin mystery as well as the friends getting together to make the swim club. Thing is whenever we shoot over to Haru I lose interest. Keep the story going with Nagisa or Mako and I'll be happy but don't give too much time to Haru as he is a plank of wood.

More happy with episode 2 then episode 1.

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