9 July 2013

Mawaru Penguindrum : Because I Love Him

Episode 10

Himari was taken to a library and we learnt all about her friends and how they went on to be Double H (the two girls you see in the adverts whenever Sho and Kanba get on a train) she wakes up just to find out that Sho has been in an accident.

Himari you always make me want to cry!


A reminder of how Sho ended up in an accident, the diary torn, Ringo walking into the road in front of a car and Sho saving her at the cost of his own body.

Makes me want him and her to get together even more!

Sho wakes up in the hospital with his brother and sister watching over him. Thankfully Sho is fine, once more all three of them together is so cute! And it turns out that Ringo is outside waiting for news on Sho, even more cute! Really these lot could be a proper little cute family all together.

Whilst Himari is talking to Ringo, Kanba asks Sho what happened and he tells him that it was all his fault.

Somewhere else and the black Penguin is sharpening a knife whilst her partner is locking a women in a locker and there are a lot of blow torches lit up and on... What the heck is going on there?!

In the cafe and Himari asks Kanba what kind of gifts girls give him. He tells her he hated getting a hand knitted jumper and it turns out that Himari is thinking of knitting him a scarf.

Sho finally see's that the diary has been ripped in half, the nurse comes in with dinner for sho and drugs his desert (which he seems to eat first), and off he goes to sleep. Ringo comes back with the tea and finds Sho gone and the nurse goes to the black Penguin. Esmeralda! Yes the nurse is quite obviously the bad guy.

She sends a text to Kanba showing Sho getting ready to be tortured unless they give her the other half of the diary so Ringo gives it to Kanba to save Sho's life. Kanba is being smart and figures out where Sho is with the GPS on his phone. Kanba goes to the meeting with a decoy but they saw right through his plan. Suddenly he finds a musical box and a voice echos out asking if he remembers. Remembers what?

Well now Kanba is in some weird assed version of time where everything has Penguins painted on them and the music that played in the musical box sounds out loud and grainy over the speaker system.

This is an ex girlfriend no doubts! HE mentioned earlier he hated people making him food with animals and stuff on it and a drawer just opened with it and now the bloody wedding cake he mentioned. Of course she was with the girls from the anti-Kanba league so it was always going to be an ex. The voice demands that Kanba wear a half made jumper with his name on it.

Ringo is next to be messaged and she won't come up with a far fetched plan, she drops the diary over the side of the building as instructed to save Sho's life. Kanba finally finds Sho but the lights go out and the girl is waiting in the dark with her night vision goggles. Instead of firing one of her balls to wipe his memory she kisses him instead and when the lights come back on he finds himself alone with Sho.

Apparently the hunt is on and as she and her penguin sit thinking of victory Himari possessed comes into her train carriage. It seem that it is finally on!

I'm happy nothing bad happened to Sho though being totally uninjured is a bit silly (a broken arm or something?!) but still. It was worth the wait with the Library episode to be honest, so excited now! Finally the hunter has the diary and everything is starting to get serious.

Loved Himari and Kanba together, there isn't enough of the three of them or Himari with either of them in the series, what we do see is wonderful and sweet but there just isn't enough. I loved her look when he told her he hated a knitted jumper a girl gave him whilst she was knitting a scarf probably for him!

Still the Penguins have a life of their own! The two girl ones at least seem to do whatever their owner is doing and Esmeralda seems to actually have some power over proceedings, the two boys are just terrible though and it is so funny watching them! The big perverts that they are!

Again I can't help but thinking that Ringo and Sho are just perfect for each other they are so sweet and she was so upset about what happened. It was the big event she needed to snap out of everything, that diary has been nothing but bad news for her and she needs to wake up and realize that! I love Ringo, one of my all time favorite anime characters but I will be pissed if she doesn't wake up and have a nice ending.

There is more to Kanba then we are being led to see I believe, don't know why I have this hunch but I do....

And what the heck has he done to upset the girl with the black Penguin?!  I know we knew her name but I've forgotten it and can't remember which episode we learnt it in d'oh! How can being a player lead this girl to this road?

Let me guess... Destiny?!

And finally the possessed spirit is going to do something herself and not just leave it to the boys! Good.

Another really interesting episode and to be totally honest this anime is VERY serious, it kind of adds the funny onto the side but the main plot, if a little confusing, is very serious and I like that. I can laugh at the Penguins whilst crying at some of the heartbreaking things that are happening on screen.

In my opinion this anime is a total gem that doesn't get the recognition it deserves!

Join me next week, I'm sure something is about to hit the fan (if only #2 who seems to have no luck!)

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