21 July 2013

Heatwave... Not a good thing

If anyone knows me they know I hate heat so this heatwave is doing my head in!

But just so you know why my best laid plans have failed tonight.

I have been working since Wednesday, I don't have a day off till this Wednesday. Our shop is like a greenhouse, super hot in the summer (and stupidly cold in the winter.) So you can imagine I've spent the last 4 days, 26 hours in total in a greenhouse.

I had to walk to the bank yesterday (other side of town up basically a hill) in this heat. When I got there the guy was being a dick so I went to Tesco to get a drink. Obviously I've left my card there or dropped it since.

Today, stupid me who should have booked the train ticket earlier, went to book my ticket to Weston and OHHH LOOK no bank card! Not only that but I found a ticket for £48 then suddenly that one disappeared and I had to pay £61.

So I've booked them on my mum's card, Catherine is paying Christy's share this week and I thought I'd be able to pay the money I owed my mum straight to her account.

Apparently you can't.

I understand all the safety stuff on Natwest and I'm not dissing it but I need a card reader to transfer my money. All nice and safe yes but totally useless in this situation.

It is my fault, I shouldn't have agreed to work Wednesday, I shouldn't have left my card somewhere and I defo should have booked my train tickets earlier!

I have been running around the place like a headless chicken for the last hour and NOTHING has gone my way, I am so careful usually but because of this heat I just can't think. It has really pissed me off because I have been looking forward to Weston for ages and now I have to send all my money to my mum to get out (instead of having it my bank and being able to withdraw when I need it)  in one lump sum to go to Weston with.

I'm just so angry at myself.

And because of this drama I really should be going to sleep now as I'm knackered but I feel bad doing one review, promising another, going off QUICKLY to do something else, end up taking half the night doing it and then cancelling what I'd given myself more than enough time to do!

The good thing is I'm still going to Weston! The bad news is I'm sucking most of my savings out to go there as I don't think I'll be paid till the week after next. Thankfully I have stupid amounts of overtime in the coming weeks (maybe more after) and I'll just have to carry on sticking it all into my savings (plus maybe a £10 extra here and there to make up for my stupidity!)

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