4 May 2013

Karneval : Clowns Prescription

Episode 5

Last week we found out about Gareki's past, the women who saved him and the strange circumstances surrounding her siblings.

He has sworn to kill the person who killed his savior but when that killer is a little closer to home then he likes what will Gareki do?


Yotaka seems to be licking the blood off of his fingers and emits a strange blast that Yogi saves everyone from (twice) especially as Gareki seems to have frozen. Yotaka then sprouts wings.

Yogi gets Gareki and Nai away from Yotaka and tells them to leave, we learn that the lady that saved him gave him his name and made her a part of their family. Even after he left them it seems the two of them (Tsubame and Yotaka) were trying to find him still and keep him in their family.

It really was a wonderful piece of writing that scene, short but so full of emotion and meaning. It is especially needed as a reminder after finding out what Yotaka seems to have become. I also think it shows the way Gareki's current relationships are going, he has a little brother and an older brother and is doing his best to keep Nai safe.

It is really nice to see the thought process for Gareki, he is such a cold character and it stops him from being totally over the top that you can see he actually does care.

Nai wearing his hoodie after he runs to sort out Yotaka and Yogi is adorable. Unfortunately Nai finds Tsubame, she believes she's killed again but is now awake from the trance and walked straight into the path of a stranger. Nai pushes the man over and runs off with Tsubame and then we flash to the fight between Yotaka and Yogi who is being super cool this episode.

Whilst Yogi is having problems Nai is making Tsubame feel better telling her that Gareki only ever wanted her to be safe and sound, they get the weird man following them whilst we go back to Yogi being beaten by Yotaka.

The guy who has kidnapped Tsubame and Nai seems to be some sort of scientist, the one that did whatever it is to Yotaka and Tsubame. Yeah of course he is the person who Tsubaki was in love with and it turns out that Yotaka kept taking the drugs for money after she died. The scientist guy is also a Vargua but by now Yogi is up and....... Has a sword for an arm?

Even though Yotaka is meant to obey the scientist Tsubame manages to stop him, it seems that she was the only thing that kept him hanging on to his humanity. I have to say the scientist is totally cool with his red eye and root like things coming out around it wiggling about. Unfortunately even with Yogi de-arming him and stabbing him in the chest the scientist seems to be getting a stronger hold on Yotaka who starts to strangle Tsubame whilst begging Gareki to kill him. A spear comes out of nowhere and kills Yotaka who glows like an angel whilst his wings burn off and slowly he fades with them.

The spear belonged to Hirato who is overlooking the proceedings from the air.

And with that the episode ends. Jesus it felt short this week! The episode just shot past.

This is only episode 5 and yet the emotions you are feeling towards characters are so true and raw, this is one of the reasons I like the series. I felt sorry for Yotaka and Tsubame, they only showed up last episode and you already felt like you understood them, they were good people and never let their poverty get the better of them. The scientist Vargua took advantage of how much they, and Tsubaki, loved each other and even after Tsubaki died he used that to his advantage.

It really is a sad story and it helps make Gareki understandable. He gets close to people and it seems bad things start to happen.

The animation again is top notch, really love the Vargua, I am so used to seeing more cheerful looking bad guys that it is easy to forget that actually sometimes the "monsters" can look freakin' awesome!

And it was just me that thought Yogi's sword was actually coming out of his arm wasn't it? this isn't something I've missed an explanation for? Presumably because it was just how it looked drawn or something?

Another good thing about this episode is that it shows it can do dark and serious without a hint of humor. In past weeks I've been talking about how nice having Yogi brighten up tense moments can be but this whole episode was so serious and dark nothing at all ruined that feeling. Even Hirato from the angle you saw his head looked to be wearing his top hat properly!

It is also nice it fully focused on the matter at hand, it gave total freedom to an explanation, character growth and action. I've noticed a lot of the time with Fairy Tails anime that some of the fights could be built up in one episode then over half way through the next, Karneval actually gave the whole episode over to it.

The series really grows on me each week and as I said this felt so short. Next week really won't come fast enough!

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