12 April 2013

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san : Blue Coral Reef

Episode 7

So the first big story ends with the death of a computer system. Our heroes are on holiday and Nyaruko seems to have decided to take her relationship to the next step with Mahiro-san...

Can he be saved?


So we start were we ended, with the advances of Nyaruko. She is ready to give herself to Mahiro whether he wants her or not.

In the morning we see that she didn't get her way... She got forked onto a bed and then left as Mahiro went to breakfast.

At breakfast Nyaruko breaks down about Mahiro being mean to her. We learn that if the baby is a boy  it'll be called Nyahiro or if it is a girl Myaruko. So in future episodes if there is ever a baby then we know what it'll be called. And Mahiro isn't finding anyone on his side, even his mum has changed her mind.

And the effects of killing Xoth is still obvious with Kuko who actually lets herself be nice to Mahiro for a few minutes. Then Luhy shows up and we find out that she's been trying to find meaning in her life. She seems to have skills in cooking.

And then half way through the episode Mahiro finally tells Nyaruko that he doesn't like her.

Now is when the joke goes the wrong way. Mahiro is told off for his behavior to Nyaruko but instead they go out on a date. Any "big moment" were you are meant to change your mind on whether you want Nyaruko to get serious with Mahiro is left in a short montage and the fact that every time Mahiro says no Nyaruko goes into her "depressed" state.

It was something I worried about a lot. One of the best things about the series was the funny reaction to Nyaruko being in love with Mahiro. To make her a little more serious and thus make a relationship possible with Mahiro it takes that chemistry from it. For the first time in the series she didn't seem alien to me, she seemed like a person and I didn't like that. It was only really from the date segment but she was just a normal everyday earth girl in love with a boy and it wasn't funny and it was actually quite boring and plain.

I don't know if I like the more serious side of the characters, the eccentric nature was what I loved. I wanted serious stories not characters, the characters can be as weird as they want but the moment that they start getting into "serious" relationships and so on is the moment that it starts to get boring.

I hope the new dynamic in the relationship doesn't change too much.

For me this was the weakest episode as it was too girly and emotion filled. There was nothing alien about it and all the things that made the series charming were missing. Hopefully it gets better.

I do love Mahiro's friends and I hope they get center stage at some point as they seem a decent enough pair.

Overall the plot seemed to be very thin, there was no story so they just had Nyaruko go from being super alien to super normal in 20 minutes with a few jokes thrown in.

Really didn't like the episode, weakest of the series so far.

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