12 April 2013

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Series One Review

So for the people reading my series one reviews on Nyaruko-san here is an overview of my feelings for the series including a list of my favorite characters...


So over all I loved the series as you could possible tell. There were two points I kept bringing up and some duff episodes that stuck out more than some of the brilliant episodes, but in all I loved the series and  so happy that we have a second series to look forward too.

The things I loved the most would have to be...

The group of characters were wonderful. Nyaruko could be over bearing, but I'd hate her any other way. When they made her serious she wasn't as interesting, when she's over bearing at least there is comedy there. I loved the whole love triangle... thing going on. Kuko was such a sweet character and even small part characters were memorable, to the point I remember their names and their faces. Sometimes you'll get a bit part character and they'll show up again two episodes later and you can't remember the first thing about them, this didn't happen in this series.

Second the humor was so different from what I usually watch. I don't know if there is another anime like this but I loved the whole breaking the fourth wall and shit. It was good fun. Being able to laugh at ourselves is one of the great things about being human, and this series was a general good hearted poke at the group of people I probably belong to.

The stories were fun and easy to understand. Mainly because there was a dialogue dump somewhere in the episode and the rest was just good hearted fun.

The heart of the series never went away. It was just meant to be fun and it was just fun. Any negative you have about it can't take away from the heart of the series which is what I loved.

The things I disliked (but only minor things that didn't destroy enjoyment of the series)...

I didn't like how they hinted that they'd make Mahiro and Nyaruko a couple. I don't want that. It wouldn't work without destroying one or the others characters. Thing is Nyaruko being her overbearing self as I've said up ^ there is what you love about her. The weird, jumping around and annoying Mahiro, all those jokes, won't be funny if they are aimed at a boyfriend. It wouldn't ruin the show just break a dynamic I don't think needs to be touched.

As I said personally I'd have him go off with Tamao, a bit like in Chuck when he gets girlfriends away from Sarah. It changes up the dynamic but the love story can still be there. You can actually love more than one person at a time, but having Tamao and Mahiro fall in love would bring whole different aspects to the show.

The only other thing I didn't like much was when they'd develop a character like Nyaruko and then go back to totally the same as she was before like the things happening didn't actually happen.

It might have been their way at making her more alien, or I probably shouldn't be looking at it like this at all, but it did grate a little on me.

See two minor things.

So my favorite characters?

In third place it would be Mummy!
She is brilliant fun, I love that she loves games and she can be a real air head at times but then she'll come out with a couple pearls of wisdom. She's a character I want to see more of in series 2!

In second place it is Luhy!
Another character I want to see more of, I loved her as a bad guy and then she wasn't really a bad guy at all! Her job search made me giggle and I love that she is an intellect. She could add so much to the team if they had her with them, then again that would mean having an actual real job to do and not just sorting problems as they come along. She is a wonderful character and yet she was treated more like a background character (well I guess she is but never mind). I loved that she was brought back time and time again though.

In first place it is.....


I just love the girl, she makes me giggle. Her mirrored relationship with Nyaruko (a mirror of Nyaruko/Mahiro) is so funny, the gags they pull out of it make me tear up with laughter! But at the same time there is something so sweet about her, she isn't annoying like Nyaruko can be and she shows more flashes of brilliance. The only reason she seems more tolerant then Nyaruko is because she has no interest in anything other than Nyaruko. I love the character and in many ways hope she gets a kiss in series two! (Or at least someone to love her *cries for Kuko*).

So onto series two!

Sorry that I've basically dumped 12 reviews on you in two weeks but I wanted to get it out of the way so I could do weekly updates on the new series.

Hopefully I'll spread the anime reviews out over different days of the week, the problem is I don't go to the cinema that much, I don't watch much TV other than Doctor Who so the only things I really have to review are anime so I'm sorry if my blog turns into a bit of a anime haven. I'll keep it to the minimum I'm sure! Though I will always have 200 blogs on Fairy Tail ready if I suddenly go quiet!

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