20 March 2013

The Doctors name

So there is a debate going on at the moment about whether we should ever find out what the Doctor is called.

Personally I don't find his name a mystery.

Thing is people are getting all torn apart because of the name of the show. Doctor Who. Personally I don't think a name is an answer to that.

Doctor Who?
Well his name is James.
But who is he?
Well he's the Doctor.
But who is the Doctor?

See were I am coming from?

Knowing that my name is Anna is just as helpful to all you people reading this blog as knowing my name online is Awerka.

In fact if I then TOLD you why my name online is Awerka you'd probably learn a little more about me then you'll ever learn by knowing my name is Anna (unless you find out my whole name and then stalk me on Facebook/Twitter.)

I understand how some people think that reveling his name will take a layer of mystery from him but personally I think it really is just a name and nothing to get your knickers in a twist about!

So his name could be James.

He personally decided and still does to be called The Doctor.
Doctors are healers, they help people.
The Doctor helps people.
He stole a TARDIS and ran away from Gallifrey...
Actually the TARDIS stole him...
And they are both still running.

You learn more from what we already know (he is the Doctor, he likes to help people and he is running away from something with his TARDIS, maybe what he ran away from isn't something important, we know he was at least at some points running away from responsibility but at the same time being a Doctor he has healed many people and many worlds...) then we ever will from his mum and dad called him James.

Will this effect the titles? Should we call it Doctor James instead?

I find this kind of rationale silly.

Of course not!

So what every living organism ever to exist will stand before him on Trenzalore and he'll speak his name, so forever more everyone will know him as James?

If someone told you "I know this guy called the Doctor but his real name is James, there is that mystery solved" and then a mysterious stranger in a time traveling phone box appears before you, saves you from some Daleks/Ice Warriors/ Cybermen/Autons/Sea Devils/giant Maggots... and the first thing you'll worry about is "hey my friend told me your name is James."?

The mystery of the man is still there, not everyone will know he's called James, he'll still be a traveling Doctor helping people.

Fair enough if knowing he is called James is too much for some people but you aren't going to lose all the mystery and all the fun of it by knowing that one fact. And in my mind you won't even be answering Doctor Who?

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