26 March 2013

Ignorant People Disease updated

So the other day I wrote a blog about a girl and her mother who have made Kai's (the guy who is living with us at the moment) life a living hell.

It gets worse.

So the whole story started when my sister and Kai was walking home and the teenager started following them and shouting abuse, that was the first time they phoned the police who said they couldn't do anything other than talk to Eggbuckland about "educating" children on transgender people.

The second time they were up ASDA and the girl with her mum started shouting abuse, again the police were called and nothing done.

On Sunday Kai got smacked in the face by the mother, the police were called this time for physical abuse and again they said they can't do anything as we don't know where they live and the school (Eggbuckland Community College) refuses to help identify the girl in question.

Today Kai was followed from the shops to our street and accused of being a pedophile. They told a lady who takes her kids to the same school my niece goes to that Kai is a pedophile as well as shouting abuse. We phoned the police, they didn't show up, we phoned them again they said no one had been dispatched. They finally showed up and said they couldn't do anything even though now we DO know exactly were there live.

This is abuse, and not only has it got physical it has now started to get real serious. Kai lives with a 3 year old (my fucking niece!) and if their accusations and abuse spread to the school my sister could be in trouble EVEN THOUGH Kai hasn't actually done anything other then get harassed about being brave enough to be himself.

I am quite honestly sickened by the whole affair, I can not believe the police basically have done nothing. Kai is very brave for going through what he is going through, he wouldn't hurt a fly and he's getting this kind of vile abuse from vile people and the police who are meant to be here to protect us are doing nothing.

You might ask why I'm writing this blog and going to post it on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. Well I'll tell you why because this kind of small mindedness needs to be stopped. Kai is a normal guy, so what he was born in the body of a women, at least he's brave enough to stand up and say that he's different and wants to be treated the way he see's himself. Lots of people don't and they go through lives depressed and lost.

As I said before this girl wouldn't like it if her life was put under a microscope and people started abusing her for being her. She wouldn't like it if people followed her around and treated her like she's a freak in a freak show. So why would she do it to someone else? Why would anyone find the need to do this? She doesn't know Kai, Kai never even met her until she started to shout abuse at her so why would she ever feel in the right to follow someone around and abuse them so horridly for no reason at all?

My family will stand behind Kai through everything, he deserves far better from the police and these people need to be educated on the harm they are doing to not only Kai but to our family.

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