8 March 2013

Fairy Tail : Gloria (Manga)

Chapter 322

Last week saw Laxus beat Jura, and there was a feeling that this was the start of the end to the tournament.

How does it end?


To be honest? With disappointment in this corner.

I know I had said in previous weeks it was starting to drag but by wanting it to end I wanted it to feel grand, like Laxus/Jura. Not what we got.

So what happens?

We start with the power of Gray and Juvias "love", they blast Cheria and Lyon away.

We then go to Erza and her most powerful armor defeating Minerva quite easy.

Then onto the realization that only one opponent stands in their way. Sting. Sting who just lost Lector. Sting who hasn't even fought yet.

He's waiting for all the members, ready to fight them all. Then in a blink of a eye.... He surrenders. Surrenders to 5 beaten up mages.

And oh look here is the happy ending as the strange feeling Millianna had apparently was Lector appearing to her and she's bringing him back to Sting.

I agree with the Princess that no one could possibly have seen such a boring end to what to that point had been a thrilling tournament.

So they are bringing the Eclipse cannon out. The start of whatever the Princess is about to rain down on her country is starting.

But lets focus on the end of the Games shall we?

No I didn't want 20 chapters on each fight, that was what annoyed me when over Christmas it was just constantly Erza v Kagura and then Minerva doing her dirty tricks. But Laxus v Jura was a perfect way of ending the matches. OK it might not have been too different but it was like everyone just gave up in the face of Fairy Tail. Why?

I know last chapter kind of hinted that this would be the end but it just felt like it all lead up to a fizzle.

So are Juvia and Gray together now seeing that they defeated Cheria and Lyon with "love"? Or are we meant to read that sentence in the head of Cheria (who like her cousin is a bit obsessed with love.)

And why all of a sudden would Minerva go from evil badass to basically begging Erza not to hurt her? She looked down on them. So what Erza was fighting injured? So what Erza just used second orgin? Why would that have such a big thing on Minerva who seemed not to care?

So that I can all forgive. But Sting?

He didn't fight so he'd be fresh to defeat whoever was left standing. Yeah he misses Lector but what has that really got to do with anything? The whole point was he needed to be strong, so standing in front of Fairy Tail made him change his mind? I'd have liked more then a few spluttered words from Sting to get that.

But what really bugged me is WHERE THE FUCK DID LECTOR COME FROM?! Why am I meant, with no information just to take a soppy happy ending of Lector is alive? It destroys the sadness of his death, the whole point (in my eyes) of the death was to show how Sting and Rogue were the same as Fairy Tail not like Sabretooth and how the death of his friend was going to make Sting stronger so that when he came up against anyone he'd beat them so that in his mind he was strong enough for Lector. But no. He breaks down crying and we get the annoying "oh and here is Millianna with Lector" ending.

Don't get me wrong.

I liked the chapter well enough and have LOVED this arc more then the rest combined! It has been a brilliant story, this is my one big grumble about it (the Erza thing only came about as it was the first arc I read weekly the rest I was catching up on so even if that did happen in the past when I was reading it there was MORE after it that I had to read.)

I just felt a little let down, it felt like a big build up to a sappy ending.

Well at least we now have the Eclipse plan coming into action and hopefully we'll stop just seeing Natsu fighting people and actually have him move on to something else.

Plus I'd like to see what Arcadios is up to! Who is the real bad guy behind all this? Why would the Princess lie?

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