25 February 2014

Nourin : Full-Moe Alchemist : Bounty

Episode 6

We had an intro to the big four students in the school, they seemed very interesting, and it made out we'd get to see the fourth (we only met four of them) this episode.

But with a name like this I'm starting to doubt it. Not that I mind, mind you. Keep it for later (as long as we get to see Rintarou again *sigh*.)


Money Kanegami, this is the name of the last of the fourth.

The title of the last episode is explained.... There is actually five of them not four. It seems Boobs was added to the list when we weren't looking. Still.... What about Kei?

Rintarou, oh I love Rintarou. An episode with Rintarou oh happy days!

That was a good episode, it wasn't what I had expected I have to say but it was still very funny.

The moe egg thing was quite well done and it worked out really well. Not sure why the hell Kei is such a boss that he rides a goat but there you go that would be Kei for you!

I think there was an interesting point in there that Kanegami made, she might be a bit on the.... dark side of things but it was a good thing to end the egg business when it was at its best.

As for the.... Ahem.... Mushroom stuff with F Class, at least I got to see Rintarou and hear him telling us all about his Mushrooms......

He got a beating out of it too.

It was genuinely the most funny episode of the series so far and I personally think was one of the best episodes. It had a lot of good moments and the characters were really fun. It probably helped that again there wasn't much Ringo though I'm starting to grow on her. She kind of is joining in so I guess hopefully when the story swings back towards her that she'll be better.

It really was Kosaku's story though and he did so well.

He didn't even blink an eye at Kei riding away majestically on a goat.

Then again it is Kei.

These last few episodes saved the anime on my blog, I was really thinking of giving up on it after episode three but I'm happy I kept on with it because it has just gotten better!

Great fun!

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