30 January 2014

Pupipo! : Call me Az!

Episode 2

So, Wakaba found her little pink creature by the end of the last episode. What is it? What does it do (other then shout Pupipo?)


So in her dreams Po is protecting her with the Kissy, Kissy attack. What a great attack!

Wakaba's father is priceless, looking up online what Po is and coming up with him being a spirit come to invade their house until Po jumps up and down on him and calms him down. Funny moment.

Azuma (or Az as she likes to be called) is awesome and I mean AWESOME. There is no other word, other then Brilliant or BRILLIANT to describe her. She makes me giggle and she loves the little pink Po.

It really is just a lovely little show. I like how the ghosts aren't too in your face and just how funny Po is whilst "defeating" his enemies. Also Az and her whole perception on ghosts and the occult is interesting. I mean she's the one that believes in the occult but she's the first one to point out how stupid the girls are even though the girls are right in a sense, just Wakaba doesn't curse them the spirits do, they seem to enjoy upsetting Wakaba as well as being playful.

I mean I'd like to know if there is a difference in all these spirits, I mean we have so far seen the black ones and the one that looks almost human and the lamp post, plus Po who everyone seems able to see. So it'll be interesting if we learn about all the different spirits there are, it would be a shame if we never get told whether they are different or not.

You don't really ask for much in a short program like this, I mean what can you do in four minutes really? But to be honest it is very interesting. I mean Miss Monochrome a lot of the time worked because I found it adorable, I just loved sitting there going "awww Miss Monochrome" there wasn't much of a chronological order to things (or there was but there wasn't much of an impact from one episode to the other) and it was juts a few minutes of turning off your brain and enjoying yourself.

Pupipo! feels different to that, there does seem to be an underlying story and quite a wonderful cast of characters. It might not go into the gritty depths of things like some of the longer series will but it already gives you quite a bit of story and something to really sink your teeth into.

Very enjoyable.

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