13 December 2013

Super Seisyun Brothers : Festival ~Reality Arc~

Episode 9

Well. We have a two parter! So we get to find out what happened next at the festival!


Ahhhh Chika is the kind of person I wish I could be just easily going up and asking for a photo with some cool costumed guys!

He seems to fall in love with Chika's teacher.... Who we kind of know is a male... Somehow... I don't really understand it at all.

All Mako is a bit jealous of Chiko having friends other then her, probably because she doesn't have any herself! Poor thing.

On the other hand It looks like Chika isn't too bothered on whether or not him and Mao are friends after school. Or is he?

Then Chiko gets home and gets in trouble for going to the Festival. Poor Chiko.

It was nice having the extra time to have some more jokes but it did still feel like two separate episodes. I mean if this was any longer I'd have given up reviewing it ages ago, it isn't really worth your time reading what I write because there isn't much to talk about each episode. It would lose the jokes if I just sat here pointing them out.

I'll finish the series because it isn't that many more episodes, but it does feel like this has been a little pointless. It isn't even like Miss Monochrome where there is an over arching story that we kind of get behind even if it is just silly randomness. There just seems to be nothing going for it at all.

Well that is harsh because it is funny and it is interesting and I do like the characters.

I'm starting to think that I'm wasting your time.

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