13 December 2013

Fairy Tail : The Story Read by The Demons

Chapter 363

So Natsu defeated Jackal and Happy stopped the village getting blown up.

But what about the others?


Gray and Juvia were too late "The Old Hog" is already dead, "The Old Verno" is also dead as Gajeel and his team got there too late. Oh and Old Yuri is dead too (Elfman's team) but suddenly wakes up and attacks Lisanna before dying himself, just they aren't too late to see the Demon who had killed him... Ryougetsuten Seira.

She wants to write the story of the Demons.... Demons have no word for pity and she uses her power to have Elfman attack Lisanna.

Elsewhere and our grumpy councillor is giving us information. "Face" a weapon of the Council. We get a reminder of the country destroying Etherion and an idea of why the councillors are possibly being targeted. Face is a Magic Pulse Bomb with the ability to "annihilate the magic of the whole continent."

And THAT is why Tartaros is looking for it, they don't use magic they use curses but they'd wipe the power from the Mages.

To get to it you need three of the ex-councillors but the only person who knew which three they were was the ex-chairman. Thankfully they've found the address for the ex-chairman (and 16 other councillors) and I can say that the chairman has possibly the best team to look after him...

They've sent Erza and Mira!

This is what I wanted, I guess I had hoped that they'd actually end up fighting other Demons but I'm guessing they are saving them for the big guns.

This has made me very excited for what is to come. With Natsu badly injured, Laxus out of the picture we now have our super powerful duo on the job!

Can't wait to see what they have got in front of them as they are both Laxus powered and I can't imagine what they'll have to deal with.

Not only that but with everyone setting out for other councillors homes and Elfman and Lisanna in trouble it looks like it could be an interesting Christmas time for the Fairies!

But Face! How bout that?

I got all excited at the name check for Etherion, and it seems since they nearly used it on Jellal and his Tower the security went up 10 fold on it, now its totally useless as all the people who could operate it are dead and I'm guessing the codes etc for it aren't exactly going to be kept somewhere.

Face on the surface doesn't look too scary until (like they did) you remember that the guys we are fighting at this moment aren't using magic, get rid of the good guys magic and they are at the hands of the Demons. I guess that will always be the problem though, with someone like Zeref creating Demons it might look good on the surface to take people like Brain/Zero's magic at the cost of taking Natsu's but  you are setting yourself up for a fall.

I was hoping for something bigger but I guess in its way it is quite scary, it does seem rather... Weak though?

That is the one flaw in the otherwise perfect arc so far is that the Demons seem so weak and their big plan is basically to take everyone's magic away.

I mean I'm not saying that it is a bad story plot I was just expecting something more, it seems that they can't really stand up to the wizards so they are trying to weaken them. It makes sense and is still really dark but it doesn't stop the fact I'd quite like to have seen something different, though as an non-imaginative hack I can't think of anything better PLUS to be quite fair on them I wouldn't have thought that up anyway.

It does look very Tom and Jerry though. With the giant face on the top. I loved it.

Really excited with where it is going!

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