16 December 2013

Coppelion : Haruto

Episode 7

Ibara was blown to smithereens by a tank shell. How can she possibly survive?


Well blown to smithereens is probably too harsh, she was hit by a tank shell and seems to have at least not been blown up. I'm allowed hyperbole though!

She's not breathing. Ohh no Ibara! Haruto starts work giving her mouth-to-mouth and shocking her.

Thankfully Taeko seems to wake up just in time to do a operation on Ibara.

All Coppelion blood types depend on their grade so the blood transfusion that Ibara needed is from Haruto who gives it happily before leaving.

When she gets strength to walk Ibara goes to get Aoi to stop feeling sorry for herself but it doesn't work.

Elsewhere and the Foreman has the commander in a cell at a police station who tells them he's got all the waste in the sarcophagus ready to blow up the world. Or at least spread the toxic waste world wide. Or at least Japan.

It seems their headquarters (the survivors) is at the hospital so Ibara decides to help them get there before Ibuki gives birth seeing that the defence people can't spare a helicopter.

The 1st Division are after a Coppelion because the sarcophagus is so contaminated no human can get close to it. So they need a Coppelion to go in for them.

It seems they've got two Coppelion's to join their team (1st Division that is) the rest of the Clean up team has blocked all ways to the hospital with high level waste and blocked the last road with themselves.

Now it'll get interesting.

For the first time everything that was said within the episode actually had something to do with the plot, we got questions answered and we got a lot of really good drama from the characters.

I hope nothing happens to Ibuki but I can't help feeling that the Coppelion's would probably be able to save the kid if they put their minds to it, Taeko just saved the life of a women with a piece of shrapnel FROM A TANK SHELL in her yet we have to believe she can't give a c-section or just help in a natural birth?

Raising the kid I agree will be difficult but two criminals managed it!

I think a lot of this is a great idea on the surface but they've written themselves into a situation and forgotten it in favour of just being cool and having a lot of drama about. It is alright to do that but you do have to keep the situation in mind. Just having characters walking about in hazmat suits and armoured trucks and what not isn't really that convincing if you ask me.

The commander of the 1st Division is still pretty cool I'm happy he hasn't died though I'll be interested to see what becomes of him because he's a little useless at this present moment in time.

And two Coppelions who seem to be crazy! Wonder why they joined the 1st Division and what made them so crazy looking, I'm guessing they were made from compassion or something and it is against their beliefs? I mean Ibara and all that seem really compassionate, Haruto seems to be reciting a mantra he doesn't really believe himself and these girls just seem weird.

I can't wait to see what they get up to!

I do like that the series tries to explain itself as it goes along I just think it needs to THINK about what it is explaining and not just go head long into random explanations that make no sense at all.

It is a small flaw but still there.

Actually enjoying the series though with these last few episodes, happy we've stayed in one place with some interesting characters and a lot of information starting to make sense.

But one thing I will be totally pissed if they never explain is basically HOW THE HELL THESE PEOPLE SURVIVED!

The criminals I get survived in the room in a hospital that was sterile but the others? And how come none of them got effected when the accident happened?

I just don't know really....

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