12 September 2013

Why Matt Smith DESERVES Christmas...

What? What does this mysterious title mean?!

Well what I mean by it is simple.

A lot of people who are fed up of Matt's time want him gone in the 50th. A few people who aren't fed up of him want him gone in the 50th.

They aren't being nasty about it (well one or two are) but they are determined they want that last crucial episode before we have to wait half a year or so for another be the 12th Doctors and not the 11th Doctors.


Well you all know I love Matt but that isn't really the reason I want him to leave at Christmas.

Lets face it the 50th is an unknown BUT we DO know that DAVID TENNANT (one of the most iconic Doctors) is back and JOHN HURT (one of the greatest actors around) is in it. We know it is a blockbuster, we know it is going to be grand. And wouldn't a regeneration top it off?


David Tennant WAS a popular Doctor who got TWO episodes to say goodbye in, even Christopher Eccleston didn't need to share his goodbye episode. Matt is a well loved Doctor and his fans deserve not to have his regeneration lopped onto the end of a action packed 90 minute (hopefully) episode full of David Tennant, Rose Tyler and John Hurt.

Now will I be angry if he regenerates in the 50th or at the beginning of Christmas?

Not really, I'm as excited as anyone to see what Capaldi will bring.

I'll be upset, a little disappointed and even more not ready to say goodbye to Matt. But I wouldn't go and burn down headquarters or throw away any Doctor Who merch I own.

I guess my real gripe is people so EAGER and forgetting what it is like to lose a Doctor. Maybe you didn't know your fav in the classic series was leaving, we know that Matt is and we don't want him to share his big goodbye with other people.

That might be selfish of us but to be honest.... We are allowed to be selfish. And we are allowed to be upset to see the end of our Doctor being shared with an assembled cast (so far announced, could be more) that will overshadow his departure.

Though I am torn.

It could be a great ending.........

We'll see what happens!

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