23 September 2013

Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou End of Season Review

After saving a girl in a restaurant, book obsessed Kazuhito Harumi is resurrected as a dog with a link to his favorite author Shinobu Akiyama... Or in other words the girl he saved in the restaurant who is actually called Kirihime Natsuno. Not only is she a world class author but she has an obsession with scissors and seems to have fallen for the dog who is only alive because of his determination not to die before reading the last of her books in a series...

With a name like "Dog and Scissors" and that description you are probably here guessing it was going to be something weird.

Weird wasn't always the right word for it I guess.

Clustered is a good word to use for it... Hopelessly losing the point... But fun.

I liked the series, it had a lot of good points and a few... Miss hits? 

My biggest disappointment, and I'll get this out of the way before I tell you the many good points, is purely how cluttered the episodes were and how...... Plain the ending was.

There were some GREAT story lines in there, they were always too short and one or two of them seemed to be planted as a "mystery" or what not and not seen through. 

We kept getting glances of Himehagi Momiji through most of the series but yet by the end of the series we were meant to just take it for granted that... I don't know actually! I kind of guessed that the secretive author was the girl we kept seeing in the wheelchair but we never actually got to know her and she stayed a mystery and not a particularly good one at that.

Now the series was very funny and 90% of the episodes were good fun. As I said there were a few mini-stories within the show and they really were well thought out, I would have just preferred something BIGGER to end the show on, instead we got an episode that seemed to be setting up for a GIANT ending and actually ended up with that story being forgotten and the last episode being a bit of a wet duck that could have been mid-series filler. 

Do not let this scare you from watching it though as the series is a good one.

The characters were quite..... Strange and it was hard to really get to know any of them because when you had that "character" moment they seemed to turn back into a caricature of themselves. Safe to say the characters were only what the story being told needed them to be.

That isn't bad because you get to know most of the characters but at the same time none of them lose the comedic effect.

This series really did relay on you finding the jokes funny and to be fair I did find it hilarious, I really enjoyed the series it was nice on a Monday evening just to be able to sit down and laugh at something. Harumi was by far the character I loved most (other than some background characters) and his love for books was something I understood greatly. He was probably the only "normal" character his only flaw being the obsession with books.

I just felt there was no real point to a lot of the series, it made for a good laugh and it was a decent enough series but I found myself frustrated at the constant randomness at times. Yes I went in there with too many expectations every week, I like to have a coherent plot from time to time but never mind.

It really is something you'll just have to watch and make your own mind up on, personally I have to say that you don't want to go into it wanting a great story because there isn't one, in the end you don't even really get to see her write "Lust" the book that basically made Harumi decide he needed to stay alive and became a dog so he could read it, in the last scenes you see him looking at the book but that is about it.

The characters are great though, good fun the lot of them. From the stupid editor Suzuna Hiiragi to Hami Ohsawa the girl who hates herself. This is the backbone of the series.

Unlike in Blood Lad where all the characters become "real" in a sense you just know what to expect from each character in turn in this series, they'll make you laugh or else they'll make you cringe, there isn't any big moments for any of them and half the time you are totally confused why any of them have really come to the conclusion that the dog MUST be Harumi or why they all have special weapons.

The series is mental and if you just want a laugh it is worth tuning into watch. Don't hold your breath for too much character driven stories or even stories in general.

This series only disappointed at the end, I could have done with something MEATY to end the show on but we got a bit of a "heh" ending and therefore personally it disappointed.

Saying that it is still a great show and only disappointed in the last two episodes.

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