4 July 2013

Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? : Heh, I'm a schoolyard wife

Episode 8

Ayumu got married! To a Vampire Ninja! Good news people!

Or is it?


So Ayumu is talking about William Shakespeare but he is also still wearing his x-ray glasses the giant pervert!  He has them knocked off his face and jumps in front of a truck to save them, well they are Dai-Sensi's after all! Sera takes them off him saying they were sent to her.

Haruna seems to be dreaming about Ayumu, poor girl. OK so it is pretty obvious now that she has a little bit of a crush on Ayumu, though why she has to beat him up when SHE was the one having the dream I don't know. Poor thing!

Mael goes to a girl in Ayumu's class to ask her to help her like him. What is this school wife thing? Its in nearly every anime based in a school I've never heard of it before....

Now Maelstrom is having weird fantasies about life, it is a bit weird, and I'm not sure why she's being told she has to make him lunch like she didn't know that isn't that what happened at the end of last episode. Poor Mael is being told she isn't feminine enough poor thing. Awww the lunch she made him was so sweet, though it looks like the little dark haired girl that was talking to Mael might have feelings for Ayumu too.

Back at home and Sera is being delivered secret messages via arrows being shot at her, that is why she needs the x-ray glasses. The message doesn't seem to be a nice one.

Mael asks to walk home with Ayumu but she ends up walking behind him. Ayumu tries to talk her out of the wife thing but she isn't having anything to do with it. Oh and that special machine from last episode broke... Ayumu asks Mael to be friends but she is sticking with the married thing, Haruna see's them arguing in the street, apparently she came to get Ayumu. Ayumu tells Haruna that he'll take Haruna somewhere next time he has free time and whilst Haruna is asking whether it'll be just them two Mael invites herself along so Ayumu decides to make a day of it with Sera and Eu.

They go the the mall. Mael really is trying with the marriage thing it really is sweet, Haruna is being very jealous it is quite cute.

Sera in cat ears! Too cute!

Mael reminds me of me, I love her. I don't know whose fantasies are worse... Actually no I do lets face it Ayumu's are made from Eu just writing things to him whilst Mael is thinking of what she has to do.

We get a sneak peak of someone dodgy (I've figured that out by the creepy music) and Haruna asks Ayumu why he kissed Mael. She really does feel rejected poor thing. Haruna does finally get to the point and asks Ayumu to kiss her, and yes the dodgy guy finds Eu. So Haruna wants a kiss and starts beating on Ayumu instead, I do feel real sorry for her she seems to really care in her own way.

When they get back Eu has disappeared leaving her photos and toys behind her. Where has she gone and who is this creepy dude?

So the big question I have is is that guy the one that possessed Kyoko? If so he looks hell of a lot like Ayumu to begin with! Eu has a type it seems.

I haven't got a favorite character in this series as they are all quite wonderful and only really work together, I don't think their personalities would work without the other characters to balance them out which is a wonderful way to have it.

Having Eu such a passive character that doesn't exactly show any emotion means that the second she showed fear on her face I know we're in for trouble!

The episode was cute, it had to deal with Haruna's jealousy and Mael's struggles and balanced it well, I find both girls really endearing and love the pains they are going to go against their grain. But who is the dark haired girl? The friend of Mael's? Is it Ayumu she likes or someone else?

It is also nice to see Haruna in clothes! Her running around in a t-shirt was getting boring so I'm happy to see she's got a wardrobe going on now.

Again it balanced serious issues with light hearted warmth all throughout the episode like Haruna wanting a kiss. Let the love whatever it is carry on! It is funny! All of them other then Eu seem to be having very strange dreams/fantasies if only Sera was able to see them she probably wouldn't be happy with any of them! Though maybe it'll all be Ayumu's fault?

The big question (other then creepy music dude) is what was in the letter to Sera? I thought the glasses were for Dai-Sensei (and yes I know in the last few blogs and probably this one I kept spelling Sensei wrong... Sorry) not for Sera so why would Dai send something for Sera through Ayumu?

I do love episodes with these lot where they are all just hanging out, it is one of the best parts of the series to be honest! Can't wait for the next episode!

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