30 July 2013

Kiniro Mosaic : What Kind of Friends Will I Make?

Episode 3

So we got a look into Alice's new life, met all her friends and had some brilliant little moments between the four main characters.

What troubles will Alice be dealing with this episode?


We start on a rainy day at school, how I love the rain! Alice is looking at a photo album of her home, once again they are trying to tackle Alice's homesickness. Shino attempts to fill the hole by first pretending to be her mother and then pretending to be her dog, ohh Shino!

Shino seems to be very upset by the fact that Alice has a blonde friend (Karen, we did see her in the first episode.)

Ohhh look Karen has come to stay in Japan with Alice and for some reason when Karen and Alice hug Shino gets involved too. Karen has transferred to go to school with Alice! Poor Alice, Karen is happy to be with Alice again but Shino seems to love Karen's hair and Alice seems a little pushed out, or at  least feels that way. Yoko and Karen decide that Aya is now Ayaya.

Aya isn't much help to Karen, as the other transfer student Karen asks her for help to make friends with her classmates, unfortunately it looks like everyone else came and talked to Aya and not the other way round.

Aya and Yoko seem to be really close friends, it is actually quite cute!

Finally Karen makes friends with her class mates, she is a lot more open than Alice which is funny.

I do feel this is the perfect anime to introduce little kids to when going to school, they are tackling issues that a lot of kids do face. How do you make friends in a new school? No really how the hell did people do that?! I lasted my whole school life with no friends!

Again the story was just sweet, a bit more structured than last episode, introducing a new character and a whole concept (making friends) which was just adorable. It is nice that we now have another friend and even nicer she's in a different class, though I do feel sorry for Alice who is totally jealous of how in love with Karen Shino seemed to be.

Actually that was something that was both funny and annoying, I understand that Shino's character is in love with foreigners but Alice came all that way to be with Shino and it did seem a bit like she'd just forgotten about Alice, though we do have to remember that they are friends as well! Karen was someone new.

I just like how cute it all is, the fact that the characters are just normal kids, there isn't anything pervy about it, there isn't anything magic, they are just enjoying themselves at school and getting on with life. We also learn small amounts of things during the episode when Japanese things are taught to Alice and Karen, and hell isn't it nice to have English names to remember, yeah I'm bad enough at remembering names!

Though it does seem quite a funny story that Karens father just so happens to be Japanese and the moment she asks about Japan he takes her to the place where Alice is to live for a while. yeah....

There isn't any point thinking about things like that though the anime is just meant to be enjoyed and enjoying it I am currently doing!

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