7 June 2013

Hannibal : Rôti

Episode 11

After quite a scary case last week and we finally find out what is wrong with Will, how will Will's condition effect him this week and will Hannibal really help before its too late?

Plus lets face it the net is getting slowly  smaller, it can't be long before someone suspects Hannibal!


Will is back to dreaming.... He just can't seem to wake up.

Ohh Eddie Izzard is back. Happy days! He's being as cocky as ever. He is going to sue Dr Chilton who he blames for killing the nurse, on his way to the court he escapes killing the people taking him. Will is sent to do his thing and we get to see just how he managed to escape. He also took their organs and tied them to a tree then left them under the tree.

Back in Baltimore and Chilton still thinks Gideon is the Chesapeake Ripper, in fact he's as slimy and as big of a bastard as ever. He obviously feels no guilt but tries to make Alana feel guilty which kind of works. Whilst Jack is giving a briefing about Gideon, Will is having one of his stupid dreams full of antlers as they used to be, he seems to be becoming worse by the second and I think Jack has finally caught on to that. So off Will trots to Hannibal. Again Hannibal helps Will by talking to him about himself, Will finally realizes that Gideon is confused, Hannibal tells him that he probably wants to find the Chesapeake Ripper to figure out who he is to help him figured out who he is.

Alana is still being wonderful, she's feeling the guilt that Chilton should be feeling but he won't because he's a twat. I love how Will figures out the whole Chesapeake Ripper probably not liking Gideon being rude. Elsewhere and Gideon is making dinner plans with Freddie. She doesn't seem impressed with a Colombian Neck Tie (slitting his throat and pulling the tongue out of it.) It doesn't take long for them to realize that Gideon has Freddie.

Patronized... I'm sure he pronounced it wrong... I love Eddie Izzard's accent in this!

And whilst Gideon tells Freddie basically that he is using the Tattler to get the Ripper's attention. The Ripper kills in the exact same method of Gideon but with one difference, he amputates the arm to tell Jack where to go... And lets hope they get there fast because Gideon has Chilton and is operating on him to leave the Ripper a "gift basket" of organs. He also does this whilst Chilton is awake, this show is so lucky to have Eddie he is so brilliant at this, creepy but you can't help but feel a little sorry for him for what they did to his mind.

Will is told to stay in the car but whilst having one of his moments he wanders off, and Jack walks in to find Chilton alive holding in his stomach with Freddie pumping oxygen into him. Gideon has already left and finds Will in his car. Will thinks it is Garret Jacob Hobbs and takes him to Hannibal. Hannibal tells him that no one is there and Will seems to have a seizure.

I love how Hannibal figures out that Will has had a minor seizure but still sits down to talk to Gideon basically admitting that he is the Chesapeake Ripper. He also tells Gideon where to find Alana.

Will finally wakes up and Hannibal tells him he has been hallucinating. As Hannibal leaves to "check" on Alana he leaves his gun and keys on the table and wanders off, Will picks these off and goes to check on Alana. He finds Gideon outside Alana's house and chooses not to shoot him but to talk to him. In the end Will felt he had no choice but to shoot Gideon, thing is he still thinks Gideon is Hobbs.

Talking to his (super cool) psychiatrist Hannibal explains how he wants to contain Will's madness "like an oil spill", it is so hard to understand just what is going on in Hannibal's head.

Another episode and I have to say one of the best in the season! We are down to two more episodes and if they are both anywhere as near as good as these then we will be spoilt!

The acting has been a strong point all season but this episode was  top class! Even the actress playing Freddie was fantastic. Eddie Izzard is just wonderful all episode long and I know I'm already a big fan of his but I have to say that he just felt... Right. He was perfect for the role that he was playing and he did it so well.

There wasn't much of Hannibal but enough to show him once again leading events to be in his favor, as I ended on you can't really tell if he really cares about Will or not, you'd think his psychiatrist moments would be how he really felt but if he really felt that way he would have told Jack about what he knows to be wrong with Will. As I said at the beginning the question should now be asked, will he save Will's life or will he leave him to his own madness?

It was actually quite fun being APART of what the "bad guy" of the piece was doing instead of learning of it from Will and maybe seeing a failed attempt at something. Having Gideon in two episodes meant we were able to explore his madness a little. At first you couldn't feel anything towards him other then that of which you'd give to a bad guy because the only certain was that he killed his wife and child. This episode you have the ground work of the madness that Chilton loaded onto him to the point that you felt sorry for him that he couldn't remember who he was.

I think for the next season a returning character or two through the series would help, it all depends what happens in the season finale though. If the focus turns soley on Hannibal obviously this type of thing couldn't happen. If he gets caught or goes on the run then there won't be time for Will to solve these crimes, this is why I dislike that the evidence seems to mount all the time towards Hannibal, I'd love another 13 episodes like this. The positives of the series has been the weird and wonderful murders we've had and how Will copes finding the killers. Of course at some point this status quo would have to shift, we all know what happens to Will and Hannibal. The show will fast become something else when this happens and I actually think it could have another season of this type of thing easily in it before we do anything different.

Will's madness has been something special to watch and I'm happy it'll have to come to an end. Sometimes it took too long, sometimes it was just a bit too repetitive. Thankfully recently it has been quite brilliant. I wouldn't like all the lose ends to be tied at the end of the next two episodes but this would be one I'd happily see closed.

All in all another great episode and a wonderful performance from Eddie Izzard. Gideon didn't deserve to die!

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