23 May 2013

Hannibal : Sorbet

Episode 7

The Chesapeake Ripper has awoken after last weeks copycat Dr Gideon. What direction will they take? Go after the Chesapeake Ripper or is there something else they have to look into?

And now that Hannibal has been awoken how long before someone figures out there is something fishy about his cooking?


Graham is giving a lecture on the Chesapeake Ripper. He kills in groups of threes apparently. Crawford is watching over the lecture.

Meanwhile Hannibal is at the opera, his fantastic hearing able to dissect each note from each instrument perfectly. He's also being stalked by his patient from episode 1. Frederick something? After the show Hannibal is being told off for not giving dinner parties anymore. Oh its Franklin not Frederick, and his friend Tobias doesn't seem to like how Franklin seems obsessed (there are a lot of seems there) with Hannibal. Can we blame him though? Look at that exquisite face?!

Now Jack is having nightmares about the severed arm, so not only is Graham going mad but Jack is too. The Ripper left the arm so he could poke Jack with it? What kind of program is this turning into?

A new victim, the Ripper has taken his kidney and left him in  a bath tub. Whilst there the victim clawed open his stitches. Whoever took his kidney also tried to save him. Graham thinks it is a trainee surgeon who attempted a backstreet surgery and it went wrong. Whilst Graham tells us that the Ripper looks normal like everyone else the Ripper lets Franklin in to his office.

Franklin is cute, he wants to be Hannibal's friend. Apparently if Franklin was friends with Michael Jackson he'd have been able to save him. Now Hannibal seems to be going to a psychiatric who tells him he is wearing a person suit. And after he's seen his then Hannibal  see's Graham. They talk out the Chesapeake Ripper cases and Hannibal points out that this is all a brilliant diversion for Jack.

We then flashback to Hannibal getting a blood test. The doctor taking his bloods was quite rude so it looks like he'll be the next victim of Hannibal (who even gets out a recipe card!)

Yeah he was torn in half. Hannibal took his kidney and heart and as the detectives and Graham talk(bicker) we see Hannibal preparing the organs to feed to.... Alana. It would have to be her again.  They have some really good banter between the two of them, Alana is worried that Crawford is grooming Graham to catch the Chesapeake Ripper.

More Jack going crazy, he goes down to the morgue to see Lass's arm but it isn't there instead he finds Graham armless on a slab.

We then get to see Hannibal preparing lots of organs. A lot more then 3 dead bodies now.

Another meeting with Franklin and we find out that both of them are cheese men. Apparently cheese is Franklin's passion. Franklin doesn't seem happy that his "friend" Tobias doesn't eat dairy. He confronts Franklin about his fear of being alone but when he opens his study door to see that Graham isn't waiting for him you see that actually Hannibal might be a little lonely himself. He goes to see Will who has gotten into the mind of the Ripper at long last. One of the other detectives have found a clue that might lead them to the second killer (the one that killed the dude in the bathtub) and they find him messing up another kidney removal.

Waistcoat porn.... WAISTCOAT PORN!!!

I think Graham is slowly working something out about Hannibal as well, but that'll have to wait as Hannibal has a dinner date!

The episode was interesting as we finally started to look at Hannibal. We got to see how he hunted, how he choose people to hunt and even a long period of seeing how he cooks. I personally also thought he seemed a little lonely this episode, I know Hannibal doesn't really feel that in the films but I did get the feeling that Graham is becoming a crutch for Hannibal as well as Hannibal being one for Graham.

We got to see a more human side of Hannibal this episode, whereas everyone else (other than the perfect Alana) was slowly going more and more batshit crazy.

The episode was pretty much what I was expecting, the net closing just that ever bit more on Hannibal. His charms and talents will be the death of him I'm sure. It also had what I was asking for last blog, not to understand why he was doing things but to see it happening, to at least get the picture of what went through his mind without ever actually entering it. I think this is where Mikkelsen makes the show to be honest, his face is impenetrable, you couldn't read a single thing into anything because he just keeps his face as straight as possible. He's the perfect mystery because he is, as his psychiatrist pointed out, wearing a person suit or whatever she said. He's layered and no one is allowed under the mask he has on the outside.

The show is slowly starting to rotate around Hannibal that little more. He's losing a little of his control over Graham, but Graham is starting to take a backseat whilst we get an insight into the mastermind of the Ripper.

Though Gideon needs to come back.......

I think it was a really cool idea to muddy the water with the Ripper and this trainee surgeon though. Especially as it built tension with Will and his team, they were sure it was the Ripper but he was right. It also shows just how difficult it is to fully match the Rippers victims if others are out for organs for any reason what so ever.

We saw Abigail for a brief second when Will was going real crazy for a moment which actually made me wonder what she is up to. Last we saw of her she was being drugged by Hannibal but that has been it for a good few episodes now. I don't particularly want her back unless we learn what she is hiding but it is strange that she's disappeared with hardly any word.

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