23 May 2013

Hannibal : Fromage

Episode 8

The net is tightening on the Ripper, Jack is focused on catching him and Graham I believe is starting to suspect something up with Hannibal.

Is Hannibal losing his grasp on the situation?


Graham is going crazy at home whilst fixing a boat motor. He hears what I think sounds like a dog moaning but could be anything I guess.

Tobias seems to be a music teacher......... If that is Tobias then he is just as deadly as Hannibal making the strings of his cello out of human guts.

Yes it was an animal we heard at Graham's. Him and Alana talk about dating, just ask her out Graham!

Franklin is back telling Hannibal that he thinks Tobias is a psychopath, Hannibal tells him that he might be attracted to psychopaths, Franklin has been analyzing his friends like he thinks Hannibal would and googled, yes he got Mikkelsen to say google, psychopaths to see if his friend matched the description and he thinks he does. Well he does if that was Tobias in the opening.

Will and Jack are at a murder scene were a musician has been made into a instrument. The killer had made him into a cello (opening up his throat and showing off the vocal chords) and played him like an instrument. Whilst doing his thing Graham looks up and see's Hobbs in the audience.

Hannibal is back with his psychiatrist telling her that he is thinking of referring poor Franklin to another doctor. Poor Franklin.

Talking to Hannibal about the new case he tells Graham about the first recorded instruments that were made out of human skulls. Graham believes that he is trying to show off to someone basically. Franklin is back again talking about Tobias. He's put two and two together, Tobias said he wants to open someones throat and play it like a violin. Franklin is in two minds about whether to go to the police or not, and it seems the psychopath that Tobias is serenading is Hannibal. Well why wouldn't you? If you were skilled enough to make a cello out of vocal cords I'm sure you'll get more than Hannibal's attention.

Hannibal goes to see Tobias and they have their own version of a bromance. He wants to be careful though just in case someone finds out he's been talking to a mad man... And I don't mean our lovely little Franklin!

Graham hears animal noises again, this time in his chimney, he breaks it open and finds nothing. Alana visits him again and aww look they are getting it on even though he is going crazy and hearing animal noises. Isn't it cute? What a lucky women within the space of two episodes she was asked why she never had an affair with Hannibal and now she's getting it on with Will. She is bad ass.

The next person to sit at Hannibal's table is Tobias. He admits he wanted to kill Hannibal until he saw Hannibal kill someone. Hannibal admits he invited Tobias to kill him. And Graham walks in to tell Hannibal that he kissed Alana. Graham admits to Hannibal that half the reason he kissed Alana was because he saw the look on her face and wanted to change the subject.

Hannibal admits he thinks that he could be friends with Will Graham, it is quite sweet. Sadly I don't think this will last much longer as he has already sent Graham to Tobias who knows what Hannibal is up to. Whilst Graham hears a dog howling mysteriously outside of the shop and goes to investigate he leaves Tobias with the police officers. Tobias lives up to his promise and has killed the investigating officers. Maybe that is why Hannibal has sent Graham there? To kill him? I have a feeling that Graham should have stayed upstairs, instead he gets attacked down in the basement and sets his gun off by both of their ears, deafening both of them. Tobias escapes.

And poor ickle Franklin has been dumped by Hannibal, the big meanie! The break up is interrupted by Tobias who admits to killing people. Hannibal tells Franklin to leave but Tobias tells him to stay so he carries on with his little speech about helping Tobias get through things. Before Tobias has a chance to tell Franklin about Hannibal, Hannibal kills him and then Tobias attacks Hannibal. It is the fist time we see Hannibal really get violent, and to be honest he is out fought by Tobias. Well that is until he breaks Tobias's arm. He then kills him and calls in the police.

I liked that in this episode we realize that Hannibal see's Graham as his equal. We know that because he wouldn't mind being friends with Graham. Also the interaction with them at the end of the episode when Graham apologizes for bringing Hannibal into all this is quite sad.

It is nice that the episode had a killer that was trying to get Hannibal's attention. I am quite sad that Franklin has gone, I was enjoying him and his death was way too quick and painless.

The whole Hannibal/Tobias thing was really good to be honest, and I loved the fact that Hannibal came up against a threat. I'm not too sure how I feel about how he handled that threat but it was nice that he got caught out by Tobias.

Getting inside Hannibal's mind, not to the extent that we understand him because we never will (hopefully) but to the point that we get a feeling for the man behind this mask he has is really interesting. Especially to someone who has been a fan of the movies. It is something that Mikkelsen is diving right into, he has perfect timing for every facial expression and every tiny moment.

The whole Graham going crazy thing is starting to make no sense. I guess him going crazy ISN'T meant to make sense but at least the whole deer thing made sense to us. The whole hearing animals dying thing just felt like a set up for him to kiss Alana, which was sweet, but it just felt... Wrong for the episode. I know that it is meant to show him breaking down but I don't think we needed quite this from it.

It is the first time we see Hannibal really lose control of a situation, he puts himself into that situation though. I'm not sure what he would get from sending Graham to capture Tobias, he was setting himself up for a fall unless he thought he can talk his way out of anything Tobias would have said. Anyway it is setting up I think for Graham to find out what Hannibal is, if the "big plan" that was online is in anyway true I'd say it was a series or two too early for that but who knows.

So far the series has just gone from strength to strength and from now on we'll be blogging in time with the series.

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