31 May 2013

Fairy Tail : People and People, Dragons and Dragons, People and Dragons

Chapter 333

Last week Natsu befriended Atlas Flame the Flame Dragon after the Dragon found out that he was the son of the King of Fire Dragons Igneel.

After eating the flames of Atlas Flame and attacking together will the new partnership be able to defeat F.Rogue?


It looks like they can!

The Flames on Atlas Flames body are impenetrable, hence why Laxus and co were having problems with him. So now not only does F.Rogue's attacks have no effect on him but Natsu has the power of them.

F.Rogue is confused as to how his spell was broken and finds out that it was friendship that broke it. That fight looks like it'll be mightly one sided!

Down on the ground and the King is looking on. The long name of the title is what he see's.

Natsu is fighting F.Rogue (People v People).
Atlas Flame is fighting Mother Glare (Dragon v Dragon).
And every other Dragon Slayer and Wizard is trying to defeat the other Dragons (People v Dragon).

According to the King the world will never be the same again, which I can see being easily true. I mean after this who will trust a family that went ahead and opened the gates at the bequest of some random stranger? Who would trust anyone anymore?

Meanwhile Rogue from the present is having his own Dragon fight just his Dragon won't attack him back.It has taken a while for this to be pointed out but if the Dragons kill present Rogue then F.Rogue won't exist to come back and control them. P.Rogue is too important to kill.

Someone else has had the same thought.... Just on the opposite side. The ever ready to jump in with the rashest of decisions, Ultear, is standing by ready to kill P.Rogue. We get a flashback just after F.Lucy died of Ultear coming to the conclusion that they should kill P.Rogue to stop him from coming back and opening Eclipse. All well and good but the paradoxes that opens is not worth that hassle and they'll still get attacking in a few years (weeks or months) by Acnologia. Who if we remember is unbeatable and F.Rogue has brought an army of Dragons to defeat just that ONE Dragon. Because lets face it one way or the other Acnologia will come back, regardless of any normal Dragon and any path these lot, F.Rogue/F.Lucy have taken Acnologia is on a totally different path altogether.

But that is besides the point. Natsu is against it and Ultear says she won't kill P.Rogue, unfortunately she is willing to sacrifice P.Rogues life for the future of the rest of them. Whilst she's sitting there thinking this through P.Rogue is having problems with his shadow again.

The big cliffhanger is will Ultear go through with killing P.Rogue and will that solve anything anyway?

It is a strange thread to have alongside the Natsu story, this probably would have worked better a chapter or so ago (why have naked Lucy jokes when you could have had this story?) I mean I know that the fight won't be as simple as Natsu beating F.Rogue he'll pull out a trick or two before being defeated but it is obvious to the reader that Natsu isn't going to lose to F.Rogue and when he's defeated that will be it. I guess that logic is the stupid one because we ALWAYS know that Natsu is going to defeat the bad guy so whats the point in anything like this? (We know that if the Doctor dies then Doctor Who will be cancelled so he's never going to die duh)

I think it stands out poorly during a chapter that is making it so OBVIOUS that F.Rogue is going to lose. Yeah next episode F.Rogue might be on the back foot but if it had played out more like...

Wendy sends Lucy away (possibly with Carla or whoever) and she finds Natsu after Natsu has just been overpowered and thrown off Mother Glare by F.Rogue THEN besides that we get this bit with Ultear and P.Rogue you'd feel a bit more "OMG she's going to kill him! Natsu can't beat F.Rogue so its the only way how sad" but right now its kind of like "That bitch if she just gives Natsu two more chapters he'll have dealt with everything can't she see whats happening up above?!" Or at least I feel that way.

The story is starting to pick up a little again now though by the looks of it that is ANOTHER Dragon Slayer not going to defeat his Dragon, in fact I have a feeling most of them won't. They've humanized Atlas Flame to the point you kind of want F.Rogue to be defeated and the Dragons to be liked... And saved.

I don't know I think I came into the end of this arc with the wrong expectations. I wanted to see seven awesome Dragon Slayer fights and we won't get that. I can live with that, the direction its going now is very interesting.

I do hope when everything settles down we see more of the King before the arc is finished because he seems a very sweet character, he seems to have a lot of love for his country and this is hurting him. It is such a long arc split into two distinct halves really lets face it we've been on the same day now since Christmas that is 5 months give or take.

Don't get me wrong I'm loving the story and where it is going, it swerved off of what I was hoping for but still going strong. I just feel its got a little jumbled, it won't be my favorite arc purely because I think some of the strands of the story have been put in the wrong order and the wrong places.

I will really need to reread everything from the start of the last day of the tournament till the last chapter together when it ends because I do feel I'm missing something that was said or done ages ago but has been lost since then to memory.

The chapter was great though.

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