11 December 2013

Nagi no Asukara : Because we're friends

Episode 4

Big revelation! Akari's guy has a daughter.

It makes this whole affair even sadder.


Miuna is the name of the kid. Her friend is horrible though, I'm guessing her family don't like people from underwater because she has some, and I apologise for swearing, some really fucked up thoughts and insults.

So its cooking class and they make what looked like a lovely dish, when they are told to go around and try every other teams meals no one tries their teams meal and when Manaka tries to get someone to eat it they push her to the floor. They physically PUSH her to the floor.

Not only that but they've vandalised their Ojoshi-sama (the idol for the boatdrift) and once again Hikari goes over board and they end up in front of the principal. The boys deny being involved (well it could be the girls! or anyone else they all seem to be terribly against these poor students!)

So it turns out that the Ojoshi-sama was destroyed by Sayu, the girl with Miuna.

It seems that Miuna doesn't like what Sayu has done.

The next day when Manaka and Hikari are talking they see Miuna's dad nearly drowning so they take him home. Turns out her mother died three years ago, the mothers name was Miori. Turns out Mioi was from the village too!

It seems that Hikari has found a reason not to hate someone, he actually knows how Miuna feels and seems to mellow down a bit and agrees to apologise to everyone with Manaka the next day.

The next day they do apologise..... Though for some reason Hikari even has to do that in a violent matter and then told the guy to do the same thing he did to them the day before last... It does seem to kind of sort them out a little.

Kaname tells Sayu that he'll never forgive her for what she did and then we get the real reason why Sayu is like that. Miuna took all the bullies away from Sayu. He actually gets through to her and she goes and apologises to Hikari.

Chisaki really has a defeatist attitude doesn't she? She needs to think better about herself!

Oh and I apologise for calling Tsu's granddad his dad the last episode, really forgot how they were related!

Personally for me there is a really important issue here not being properly looked at. All these kids hated the Underwater four purely for being different. Lets call it Fishist. I know the only way to defeat these kind of barriers is by showing other people they aren't that different from them but it just makes no sense. If that kid now likes Hikari because he allowed him to "chest" him (rugby tackle to the chest) then what did those kids really learn? What was the point in all the insults and isolating them in the first place.

It was much more then just being new kids and dumped to the side there was vicious and horrible attitudes towards them, that doesn't just disappear because one of them started shouting about how he's sorry and then lets you tackle them. If that is all it takes then why haven't real life people thought of that years ago?!

I would have liked to see those issues properly tackled, especially with that little girl.

But they seem to just want the kids to be accepted.

Which is fine I guess.

It is really quite interesting the story involving Akari, I mean I'm not sure if its a good idea that she's in love with her friends husband. Though there seems to be something else going on there as well as Uroko doesn't seem about to let anyone leave any time soon anyway.

There is still a very lovely theme of friendship that is at the centre of what is actually quite an interesting story that goes quite deep. Just picking at one tiny thread unravels a whole mystery for both the underwater and land living people.

I love the dynamics between all of them and seeing how they cope, Kaname seems the best one coping with what he's been given. Chisaki seems to have a whole story brewing herself which is sad because I tend to really enjoy her character and would hate for anything bad to be going on for her.

Manaka gets on my nerves I have to say, she's so wishy-washy and people tend to just go along with what she wants for no real reason. She'll change her mind and acts like a brain dead lobster for no reason, and yes Manaka people look after you because the minute they don't you make a prat of yourself or else you act like a fool.

I dislike her greatly at times, not all the time because she is cute, but she's also just not a character I can get behind.

The great thing is there is so much to talk about and unravel in the stories. I love the series!

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