2 July 2013

Karneval : Karneval (Anime)

Episode 13

I still can not find words about last weeks episode....

The Finale. Ladies and Gentlemen prepare for a Geek breakdown!

(Similar to the last episode of Fairy Tail with a little less MEN and more YOGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII)


So Nai made the super rainbow thing in the sky and everyone was a bit busy watching it. Nai tells Jiki he wants to go to the rainbow because Karoku might be there and they are kind of attacked by a swarm of bestial varuga.

Yogi saves Gareki from Mr Eye fetish and finally Gareki loosens up! He asks to be taken to the rainbow all teary eyed and Yogi tells him that he wanted him to come with him anyway so they go to save Nai together.

Akari seems to be slowly trying to shake sense into Azana, and then Azana pulls a gun out on Akara who is saved by Hirato. Why does Azana hate Akari for being brilliant? Akari saves Azana from Hirato but they already knew it was him and the guy creeping was actually tailing the guy in the first place. Poor Akari, now I'm crying even more.

Oru is free again and man is he cool!

Yogi for some reason is holding Gareki upside down.... But they find Nai and get a whipping from Jiki for their trouble. I have to say some of these varuga have been so cool and this one is no exception, she came out of the ground going on about a mothers embrace and after taking her eyes off Jiki gets caught up in his whip allowing Nai, Gareki and Yogi to get to the source of the rainbow. Only Oru is there ready for them.

After jumping into the source of the rainbow Nai finds himself face to face with Karoku in the field we've all seen him standing in. Gareki is totally lost and lying on the ground next to Karoku is another body, for some reason Gareki can't move or speak... Well until he can. I don't get how one moment he's paralyzed then the next he's fine, in fact it is Karoku on the floor dead and the guy standing is..... Karoku?

And then Gareki shoots Karoku. And Karoku tells Nai that if he needs to play some more he'll wait a bit and the field and Karoku vanishes...

After all this and Hirato and Tsuki are talking to the guys up high who point out just how much of a disaster it has all been though one good thing is that the Karoku on the floor was brought back and is kind of recovering.

Hirato grants Gareki's wish and tells him he'll send him to a school so that he can learn to fight varuga and make Circus his job.

Elsewhere and Yogi is being even more perfect cuddling a big Nyanperona and telling Nai and Tsukumo about Gareki wanting to leave and how he feels about being a part of Circus. Could they make a more perfect man then Yogi? When will I ever find a Yogi of my own?

Gareki is getting ready to leave and everyone is there to say goodbye (Yogi hugging a Nyanperona) Tsukumo has made a Niji doll for him and Nai tries to give him the Circus ID but Gareki turns it down. And he gets Yogi and Nai gloomping him. Ohh its too cute. No it can't be the end, it just can't be!

Karoku is awake by the way.....

So Karneval finale?

Ok the action just kind of died off I'll give you that but watched with the first half what a finale!

And Yogi, just Yogi. I mean if there was ever a character that was nearly as perfect as can be it would be Yogi. I'm going to miss him, he's been the one big thing I've loved throughout. He's a wonderful character with so much love and personality. I feel so sorry for him, he seems so sad and lonely at times. His relationship with Gareki and Nai is so touching, I have tears in my eyes whenever Yogi suddenly appears!

Gareki and Nai grew on me all series until the very end, by then I felt like the family was being ripped apart yet at the beginning I couldn't stand Nai! His big eyes though, such wonderful animation on his eyes.

They have a Karoku! But the mystery of Karoku still stands! I don't think I learnt anything about Karoku at all, I'm so confused by it all!

And the revelation (that I kinda guessed) that Gareki seems to be the one interesting Hirato because the ship he was on was a Kafka ship... More interesting things to find out next series I guess.

It has probably been one of the best anime series I have ever watched, it is just lovely. Serious yet fun, dark yet uplifting. The characters are all colorful and deep. The stories all feel completed. There is plenty here for another series and I hope it is coming back! Such a wonderful series altogether.

I will probably have to write something else later as I am just overwhelmed by it right now.

Perfect ending.


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