4 February 2013

Fan Entitlement Issues...

Before I begin, as I know fans are very sensitive to being grouped together if I talk about Group A of fans in general terms I am not trying to group you because you have a shared view with them. If Group A is being talked about for liking character A but being over the top porn addicts I don't mean just because you like character A you'd be an over the top porn addict. The fact you aren't an over the top porn addict proves you aren't part of Group A. IF I do say ALL or that type I am only using that wording as its easier then remembering to put disclaimers all the way through just in case.


So yes now I've gotten that out of the way I'm talking about Doctor Who fans, and I'm talking about the 50th Anniversary and the attitude of some of these people that is starting to wind me up big time.

A poster at a toy fair told us that we are getting the end of series 7, a 60 minute anniversary, a docudrama called An Adventure in Time and Space and 11x25min mini documentary style things, one for each of the Doctors.

When this poster leaked fandom went into melt down.

And right now I could poke it with a big stick! 

There is one poster who is really getting on my wick right now. Before this all happened he had a two digit posting count that seemed to be mostly him arguing about how terrible Moffat and co are for splitting series 7. He's one of those guys who takes every quote out of context just to metaphorically "hang" Moffat. No wonder Moff wanted to leave twitter!

Since this poster came to light he's gone up to 200+ posts and every single time I see him post it is snarky, mean and superior comments about how Moffat has destroyed the 50th anniversary and blah, blah, blah. If someone comes out and says something different (someone in charge said the poster didn't confirm anything and Moffat has said that he won't talk about anything to do with the 50th until after series 7b) then they are automatically an apologist (whatever that is meant to mean) or deluded.

The thing is yes we've got a poster from BBC World Wide "confirming" this is what we are getting. Though bare in mind we already knew we were getting everything I've mentioned in my opening paragraphs. No it isn't good enough. In this fans eyes he should have been told of the schedule for this year 5 years ago. And not only that but he should also be watching Classic Who on BBC1 during the days and evenings all year round.

So now Moffat is the devil, and anyone happy with any news that isn't what THEY want is making excuses.

Personally I am happy we are getting An Adventure in Time and Space (oh my god how could they give more time to that then the anniversary special!!!! Well maybe because its being made by a different channel?)  I am also excited to read the 11 stories coming out written by childrens writers (whats the point?! Oh no trying to get kids to read is so terrible just sit them in front of the TV... Plus those adults who like to read more are so weird!) I will be getting the stamps, and if I could I'd get the coins that New Zealand are getting.

But it just isn't good enough.

That is an annoying entitlement issue going on at the moment.

For me I just want to bang their heads together, they really think they are entitled to something grand. They aren't. They think they are entitled to be told everything. They are not. And because they aren't they make their own weird situations up in their head, mostly blaming Moffat, a lot of the time they spend it making up crap out of things he said.

I am really fed up of listening to them, but in the middle of their twaddle is some interesting conversations and as long as you get past the 100th snarky comment about being "betrayed" or you being an "apologists" you'll be amazed what you see.

But there is also another type of entitlement going on.

ANOTHER poster who I had a nice conversation with before this all kicked off is telling anyone who will listen that if it isn't a multi-Doctor special with Daleks then Moffat will have destroyed the anniversary....

Now I, like a lot of people, would love a multi-Doctor story. Maybe not the Daleks, but I'd like the Doctors in it. But it isn't the be all and end all.

The same with the people who are complaining about if Moffat uses something he's made up himself like the Silence or the Weeping Angels. Because of course the only way to write the 50th is to write it like someone else in the past did... Or something.

The thing is I've seen people saying what they want.

Some want multi-Doctors.
Others want THEIR Doctors but not the ones they disliked.
Others want multi-companions.
Still others want only NuWho companions or Doctors.
Others want multi-villains. 

I could go on and on and on.

So this poster who thinks the whole world and their cat wants a multi-Doctor story is wrong. But try telling him that?!

Personally anything is better then the BBC not even bothering with it.

I know we're a fandom and that makes us want to celebrate and think its really a lot more important then it is. But some of the ideas, beliefs and entitlement issues fans are having at the moment is disgusting. Disgusting because it turns into vile attacks on innocent people.

We don't know much about what happens after series 7b.
We don't know why the series was split.
We don't know why the anniversary could be 60mins instead of 90 or whatever.

Personally I'd be upset if we got a 60 minute episode, but I don't believe I deserve more than that either.

But you can't be calm, you can't be rationale, you have to be angry, you have to hate everyone, you have to be sarcastic and annoying.

I just don't get it. I really don't get it.

But its fandom. Oh I have a good blog coming about F1 fans... You get it all the time. But I just hate when you can't even discuss it, the other person has to be right. Half the people they are insulting agree with them they've just decided to be adult about it instead of acting like pre-pubescent and then taking the "high" ground of being an adult. 

Personally I'm waiting to find out what happens before I start moaning about things.

We've got just less then 2 months until Series 7b, hopefully they'll find something to be happy about.

I doubt it, as they never seem to be happy.


  1. Hehehe love the disclaimer at the beginning xD !

    I'll be happy with whatever the BBC give us :) would I like more? Of course! But I'm not entitled to it :) .

  2. Well unfortunately at times you need disclaimers for everything!

    I know I'll be happy with what the BBC gives me. They don't have to make Doctor Who, they could make something completely different! Thankfully they are making some Doctor Who. In the perfect world we'd get a full series (whatever that is) and 2 feature length specials. Am I happy that we might get less then an average NuWho series and maybe only a 60 minute special? I guess I'm a bit disappointed, but it could be worse!
